~MY superstar~

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the date with lando was nothing but perfect. they had to keep it low-key, but they managed to find a cute hidden restaurant down by the coast, where they had the cutest little meal. Sofia was never one for romance, but the evening was so romantic and she loved it. afterwards they went for a drive to watch the sunset, which was her favourite thing to do. she had mentioned it to him years ago, which shows he never forgot. the night ended with a kiss which was sweeter than previous times. Lando has asked if he could take her out again when they were both in england, to which she happily accepted.

The friday around the paddock, they barely got chance to speak, but they would throw glances at each other as they walked by, or he would send a wink her way when they caught each others eyes in the pitlane.

f1 insider:
as shown below. two familiar faces were spotted in the paddock. two faces that would usually be seen together before they announced their breakup last week. that's right. Sofia Sainz and Charles Leclerc. They announced last week that they broke up but remain friends, but is that really the case? shown below is a photo of them on thursday in the paddock in zandvoort walking together. what could this mean for the relationship between the two? follow for more

 what could this mean for the relationship between the two? follow for more

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"i mean, they even said it themselves, we are still friends. so why is it so strange to be seen walking down the paddock together?" sofia asked frustrated, as she leaned on the garage wall.
she had come over to charles side of the garage after quali to congratulate him on P2. Carlos had qualified P3. he moved and leant next to her.
"maybe because some fans love the drama and will do anything for a minute in the spotlight"
"it's just so stupid charles."
"i know. this is exactly why i can't bring alex to my races at the minute."
"maybe wait until the end of the season, or even next season"
"as much as she wants to come, she understands and is happy to wait until things settle down"
"you've got youself a keeper charles" she said looking up at him
"yeah she really is something special" he said

she saw the look in his eyes. she could tell.
"you really really like her don't you charles"
he sighed
"sof i think i..."
"you what?"
"i think i love her sof"
her eyes widened with excitement. she jumped up and down squealing and gave him a hug
"oh my god charles im so happy for you"
he giggled
"alright alright calm down. i've got no clue if she feels the same way so-"
"so tell her how you feel"
"but what if-"
"but nothing! you have to tell her"
"okay 1- please stop interrupting me you dickhead and 2-i need to take it slow"
"okay 1-thankyou for calling me a dickhead, i love you too by the way and 2-i know and i support that. you know i've got your back. always. your literally my best friend"
"oooo im gonna tell ben you said that"
"do that and your dead leclerc" she said before walking back to Carlos side of the garage

sofiasainz9 via stories

landonorris replied to you story

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landonorris replied to you story

landonorris: so i'm one of your favourite boys huh?😏

Sofiasainz9: I take it back

landonorris: ay ay ay your not allowed to do that

Sofiasainz9: whos gonna stop me huh?

landonorris: fine i'll call our date off

Sofiasainz9: nononono your not one of my favourite boys, you are my only favourite <3

landonorris: ok dates back on. ur too cute x

Sofiasainz9: shush x


The race in zandvoort wasn't everything she had imagined. Lando finished P7, which was good due to the standard of car he had, but carlos finished P8, which he was quite disappointed with, but he had to keep focus on monza, which sadly sofia had to miss. She had her first game of the season that weekend.

She flew back to england on the monday, after saying goodbye and good luck to everyone. on the tuesday, she made her way to cobham for an early morning session.

sofiasainz9 via stories

during her break, she had time to catch up with ben

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during her break, she had time to catch up with ben. she had facetimed him as soon as she got back from her date with lando, but he wanted even more details.
"ben i don't know what you want" she said giggling "i told you everything on the phone"
"i knowww it's just so exciting"
"your acting like a teenage girl benjamin"
"i don't even care at this point sof"
she rolled her eyes as mason sat at their table with his lunch
"ketchup and eggs? mase that's a crime" she said with disgust
"i won't change, deal with it sainz"
she stuck her tongue out at him as he dug in.

First game of the season came around. It was cold and rainy and away. what a combination. they went to liverpool feeling confident, but that was soon knocked when they went 2-0 down. Sofia scored to bring them closer to the win, but they couldn't create anything. a 2-1 loss was not what she needed first race of the season.

Once back on the coach, she managed to catch the last few laps of the Monza GP.....safety car finish.....max verstappen in P1. Classic. the last few years at monza had been truly special, and she expected no less. She remembered back to 2019.

mercedes threw everything at him. charles Leclerc has coped brilliantly. he won in spa. he wins in monza. Charles Leclerc is the winner of the 2019 italian grand prix.

she remembered watching that race with his younger brother arthur, who was in tears as charles crossed the line. to win at monza with ferrari was something to be proud of. She then thought of 2020, when Pierre proved everyone wrong, just as she knew he could.

Pierre Gasly is infront for the alphatauri team that won here as toro rosso and they are gonna win in 2020 as alphatauri. Pierre Gasly wins the Italian grand prix. oh my oh my is that just wonderful.

she had never been too close with Pierre, but knew all the hardships he had been through from loosing his seat to loosing loved ones. she was ever so proud of him. and of course, not to forget her personal favourite. monza 2021. the day daniel proved he never left.

he left redbull, he went to renault, he's gone to mclaren, he's gonna get the victory now. it's mclaren and ricciardo that win the italian grand prix.

however, the 2022 italian grand prix apparently left much to be desired. She saw that Daniel had retired, making her think the monza curse was real. guess she would have to wait until 2023 to see if max retired from the race.
Carlos P4!!! Charles P2!!! something to smile about atleast. She looked down the list to see Lando in P7. he's starting to like that position isn't he.

Sof✨: congrats on P7 x

milkboy🤍🥛: thankyou. how was the game, i've only just got my phone back so couldn't check x

Sof✨: lost 2-1 in the cold wet rain. scored 1 atleast. now for a coach journey back to London x

milkboy🤍🥛: atleast my superstar scored. ring me when your home if your not too tired x

MY superstar. the words made her stomach do front flips. gosh this boy was doing more to her than he could imagine.

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