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the quarter quell starts

EVENTHOUGH EVERY TRIBUTE was forced away from the interviews and brought away separately, Thana is still able to get herself to the roof one last time

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EVENTHOUGH EVERY TRIBUTE was forced away from the interviews and brought away separately, Thana is still able to get herself to the roof one last time. To feel the cold air on her bare skin one last time as she stands there in a tank top and some sweats. The wind blows through her long hair as she looks up to the sky, watching all the stars. Stars she most likely won't be able to see tomorrow evening as she will be too busy staying alive and keeping her brother alive. Her task tomorrow isn't one she is happy with, but it is the one in which the whole plan has the biggest chance of succeeding.

Thana hears a door open and close, the person comes closer, and every step is one Thana makes her ears hear in hopes that her ears work as good tomorrow.

"Hi Thai," the tired voice of Johanna reaches the girl's ears.

"Hey Jo," Thana smiles sadly, trying to keep her composure as she turns to see her friend.

Johanna returns the smile and goes in for an embrace, "I hate that I don't get to see you tomorrow." The girl whispers, "I don't want to be parted from you in there."

"Neither do I," Thana holds the girl from seven as if it the last time she will, "but we shall be together really soon."

"We can only hope on that," Johanna gazes in Thana's light brown eyes, "you know I don't think to highly of district 10's victors." The girl chuckles softly, trying to lighten the mood.

"We just need to endure," Thana tries to convince Johanna and herself, "they can keep watch and stuff." She shrugs, "it is not like you have the best alliance plan in there."

"Rohan and Haymitch are sending you on a suicide mission with an alliance that is doomed to fail," Johanna says, looking around them, "I have Blight and just need to get two people to Finnick who keeps two others alive with Mags. It is very different from hunting down the careers." The girl from seven offers a sad smile.

"Jo," the girl from 9 sighs, "I know how little the chances are, but I must keep hope of seeing you again, of seeing my family again."

"I am sorry," Johanna smiles sadly, "you deserve that hope, but I want you to take care of yourself in there, okay?"

"Of course," Thana says, biting back her tears that threaten to fall, "as long as you promise to do the same."

"I promise," Johanna says, resting her forehead against Thana's.


The next morning, Thana is awoken by Rohan who smiles sadly at the young woman.

"The stylists will be here soon to go with you to the arena, I thought you would want to see Latif before it all starts." Rohan offers his hand to the girl who takes it.

She follows the man to Latif's room; there they find the boy already awake.

"Hey Lati," Thana sits down next to her brother, hugging him.

"Good to see you too, Thai," Latif melts into the hug from his sister, taking in all the comfort her hug gives him. "I wish all of this was a nightmare," the boy whispers.

"So do I," Thana looks at him with a watchful eye, "I hope to wake up as soon as the countdown stops and see dad comforting me."

"You'll get out," Latif mumbles as he hears the commotion of the stylists arriving.

"We will get out," Thana says kissing her brother's forehead. "See you soon."

"See you later," Latif grins at his sister, "Ana the alligator." The grins widens as he sees her roll her eyes.


Thana sips from her water and tries to get some of the food in her system while Arthur mumbles along touching the fabric of her suit.

"It has been to long for me," Arthur says harder so Thana can hear, "I haven't been in a room like this for over 40 years."

"That is okay," Thana says calmly, "just give some basics and help me in it."

"Water and a warm climate," Arthur says, looking at the young woman. "I hope you can swim."

"I have never told you about the river in district 9 I see," Thana grins at the memories, "yes, I can swim. So can Latif, but I am a stronger swimmer than him."

"That is good to hear." Arthur nods his head while he hands the outfit layer for layer to the girl. "Tell me about it." He encourages the girl to get her mind off the games.

"All tributes to the platform," a generative voice echoes through the small room.

Thana looks up at Arthur, the suit is on, but mentally she isn't ready for all of it.

"Breathe," Arthur says, leading the girl to the small platform that will go up the tube. "Deep breaths, come breathe with me." Slowly Thana's breaths start to match her stylist's ones.

"Thank you, Arthur," Thana smiles at the man, "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"It has always been my pleasure," Arthur pats the girl on her shoulder, "I hope to see you again after all this is over."

"The chances are slim," Thana smiles at the man, knowing that even if she got out, she probably would never see him again with the rebellion plans.

"I'll take any odds to see you okay," Arthur helps Thana up the platform. As the countdown has reached 15 seconds.

"Take care," Thana says and hugs the older man.

"Be safe," Arthur says, watching the tube close as he lets go of the girl.

As Thana is blinded by the light again, she notices that her platform is surrounded by water. This would complicate things, because some of the older victors have even more of a disadvantage right now. Thana could only hope that Cecelia and Woof could even swim.

In the middle, above the cornucopia Thana could see the countdown. But seeing as that was still above 30 seconds, locating the people she would need to meet is more important.

Not seeing Latif means that he is on the other side of the cornucopia. But Thana could see the woman from district 10 and Woof, meaning that Latif could see the others.

"16, 15, 14, 13," The voice booms through the arena, and Thana frantically tries to find Johanna or Finnick. "12, 11, 10," just then her eyes lay on Finnick's, and they nod to each other. "9, 8, 7, 6, 5," Thana catches the thumbs up from Finnick, letting her know that Johanna is okay but on the other side which explains because Blight isn't too far away from herself. "4, 3," Thana prepares herself to dive into the water, "2, 1."

Nora speaking!
Thank you voor more than 2k votes <3
Sorry for the short chapters, but the games have sort of started <3

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