Chapter Two

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I woke up to someones screams, I thought I was still in my bed but when I looked around I realized I was in the forest. I knew this forest, it looked familiar as if I had been here before, then I herd another scream. It sounded as if this person was being beaten and my heart sped up because I could feel little pricks on my back. "What the hell?" I whispered to myself. It felt as if some one poked me with a needle, I wonder if thats what the Goddess ment.

At that moment when I realized it, I wanted to help that person, so I ran towards where I herd the next scream come from. As I was running I felt my wolf calling out to the boys. 'Thanks Red' I told her threw our mindlink.

'No problem, just hurry!' she said quickly with a bit of urgency in her voice then cut the link. I begged my legs to go faster as I herd that person scream again.

I was getting closer because their screams were getting louder. I was counting how many I have hurd so far as I was running. Then that person screamed again and that was the fifth time I herd it. It was strange, everytime this person screamed there was another small pick on my back, but why? What was happening to them?

I had finally come up to a different pack house other than mine, I didnt care whos it was at that moment. Or that I was trespassing, I just knew I needed to help the person who was screaming in pain.

I bust open the front door, ran up the stairs quickly and what I saw shocked the hell out of me. There stood a man that looks like he could be the packs beta was whipping a small weak girl, an omega. Anger and rage grew in me as I started to shake, how dare he act this way to his pack mate none the less to an omega!

*CRACK* "", the girl said breathlessly almost broken with tears falling from her eyes. I had to ask myself why was he whipping her? What did she do to deserve this kind of treatment?

I ran over to her without thinking and covered her body with mine before the whip could come down on her again. It hurt like hell as it connected to my back but I didnt scream. I wouldnt give him that pleasure.

"Who the hell are you?!" The man yelled at me. But I just ignored him.

"Please go, you will only get hurt worse if you help me." the girl said in a small broken voice. She was trying to protect me, when she cant even protect herself. It made my heart break that much more, just by the way she acted towards me. I couldn't wrap my head around how someone like her could be treated like this. I couldn't believe that her pack mates didnt try to come help her. I had to ask myself again, why?

I opened my eyes and looked down at her, then smiled a little and said "I protect whats mine, and whats mine protects me in return." I didnt know why I said that to her at first, but it just felt like I had to for some reason. It was as if she needed to hear it. She gave me a funny look at first then quickly looked away as the whip came down again.

*CRACK* the man cracked the whip across my back again harder. This time I couldnt hold it back and I screamed bloody murder. I clould feel my blood start to run down my back slowly.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU BITCH!" The man yells again.

I pick up my head slowly, then looked him straight in the face with a look that could kill and said "right now im not the one you should be worried about, if you keep whipping me or this girl." But he cuts me off by bringing the whip down on me again.

*CRACK* I screamed out again, it hurt like hell but I refused to let him hurt her again. She had been hurt enough and I had to protect her. She needed someone, no she needed me.

I could feel the boys coming and my wolf told me that they where getting close. "And just who the hell do you think you are? The moon goddess? Ha! Fat chance!"

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