Chapter Fourteen

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I sat here in the dark of this prison, which had to be more than twelve hours because my ass had already gone numb. When I say dark I mean pitch black there were no windows or gaps under the door to let light in, not even a single ray of light. Everything was silent around me, which probably ment I was in a sound proof room or something. I was utterly and completely alone in this darkness and I didnt like it.

I couldn't remember exactly what happened, all I could remember was telling Loki to stay at the house. Then I was sitting at my parents and grandparents graves asking for guidance wishing they were here, when everything went black.

When I woke up I was in this dark room im in now, whats worse was I couldnt hear my wolf. So im guessing its because the wolfsbane and silver they probably shot me with. I couldnt even melt my way out of this damn room like last time, its because I couldn't get mad enough. I think they probably gave me some sort of drug to keep me mellowed out. A tear escaped my eye, atleast I can still cry, so I did.

I thought of my grandparents death, then cried hard for who knows how long. Then I thought of how I met Alice and cried because of what she went threw. Then it was how I met Sam and cried some more. After that I thought about how much I missed the twins and had started to cry some more. Before I could cry over my mate that didnt want me the door unlocked.

The door to my room then swung open and I didnt have to look up to see who it was because I already knew who it was by his smell. "Stop crying! The weather outside is horrible!" He yelled in his Italian accent.

"Or what?" I snapped back still not looking up.

"Ill kill everyone you love" he said with a little anger and amusement in his voice.

"You already have asshole" I said still not looking at him.

"What about your guardians?" He asked.

"They have there mates, so they dont care about me anymore." I felt a ping of hurt in my heart when I said that. I knew part of what I said was a lie but he didnt.

"What about your companion?" He asked almost amused.

"If you have her you wont kill her because you want her for your collection. So even if you did have her you would never let me see her anyway so what does that matter." I said defeated.

"Very true, but what about your mate?" He asked curiously.

"My mate doesn't give a damn about me, when I first met him he was fucking the pack slut right in front of me and told me to leave." I said as angry as I could.

"Even more of a reason to let me mark you, mate you, and claim you as mine. I would treat you nice." he said with a smile on his face thinking I was going to actually allow him to do that.

"I told you before and ill tell you again, you will never mark me, and I will never be yours!" I yelled finally looking up at him.

"You are already mine princess, so just give up and let me mark you." He said with humor in his voice.

"Never!" I said with my voice full of hate and anger. Then I started to yell for Loki since his hearing is better than any creature, "LOKI! LOKI! LOKI!"

"Stop your yelling at once! Yelling for a mate that wants nothing to do with......" he started but I cut him off.

"Loki is not my mate! He is something so much better!" I yelled at him.

"Who is this Loki so I can kill him!"he yelled in frustration.

I lowered my voice and looked him dead in the eyes and said "he is my dragon, he is over protective of me and he gets pissed when people take me away from him. You could never kill him."

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