Chapter Thirteen

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After we left the hotel that day, we traveled to different packs. We never stayed to long in one place, I was always afraid they would catch us and more innocent people would die.

For the last few months some of my old wounds and some new ones were still healing. Things were starting to get even more dangerous, more and more people were looking for me. I wish I could have found my mate by now it would make things better or atleast I hope it would.

I kept in contact with all the alphas that we have helped and there packs have said they would keep my secret of who I was. Thats also how I found out that people were looking for me besides the rogues that the collector sent. Every pack we went to and helped, they would get 'visitors', a few days later and then I would get a text from the alpha letting me know about it. But is was great though, by the time we were to leave a pack they didnt want us to go. So I had to keep telling them that we would come back one day and that part I ment.

We had just left a pack when John says "Nicole, its starting to become too dangerous to go to different packs."

"Yeah I know," I say back softly.

"Nicole, you need more protection." Josh said.

"No" I said loudly cutting him off, I knew what he was going to say.

"He could help protect you atleast until we find our mates, then when we have our mates we will be able to protect you better." Sam said next.

"I said no, I want nothing to do with that man or his family." I said getting upset.

"What is so bad about the alpha king? When you know he would be the best option for help." Alice asks.

"I dont wa.." I start but was cut off by Maire saying "dont give us that crap that you dont want to talk about it. John and Josh know because they were there to help you, so tell us so we can understand why."

I took a deep breath then nodded my head, I knew she was right, they needed to know why I hated him. I took another deep breath and said "it was when I was little, my grandfather took me with him to go meet the alpha king. I was so excited when he said I could go with him I always wanted to meet him. The alpha king was having a meeting with different packs and my grandfather was representing our pack." I looked down to my lap, "its ok, just tell them." John said as he pulled over.

"I was playing with the alpha kings son and we were having fun. When the meeting was over, thats when he came in the roon and he told his son 'dont play with the help!' My grandfather hurd him and he said 'not to talk to me like that. That I wasnt the help.' Then he picked me up and shielded me from him because I was crying. He didnt even apologize, for insulting me."

"See he hates omegas, and treats them like shit." Josh said.

"But thats wasnt the worse part." I said softly as look out my window at the trees.

"What do you mean? Thats all you told us so I thought that was all of it." John said softly.

I shake my head no and say "no theres more to the story, I just couldn't tell you because I was afraid."

"What else happened?" Maire asked.

"Later that night I was walking around looking at all the pictures in the house and I had gotten lost. I hurd yelling so I went to check it out, to see if they could help me find my way back. But it was the alpha king and he was yelling at a woman, she looked scared of him and the way she was dressed made me believe she was an omega. He yelled at her saying 'I thought I told you to keep my son away from trash?' Even as young as I was I knew who he was talking about."

"That bastard" Sam said with anger in his voice.

"Please listen there is more," I say a little broken. I had never told anyone this, I didnt realise how hard it was for me to say. I took a deep breath because I knew what I tell them next wont be pretty. "When I saw this I hid, as he was yelling at her I found out that she was his true mate, he mated her but marked another. He wanted a son to keep his line going and you can only get your mate pregnant. Even if you claim another." I looked back down to my lap then said "I stood there frozen, I dont know why but I couldn't run away. I couldnt look away either and I watched as he beat her, then raped her." I wiped a stray tear from my face. "Once he was done he left her there, she looked so broken that I wanted to help her. So I went over to her while she was crying and wrapped my arms around her and held her. When I did she froze at first then relaxed, and after a while she stopped crying then took me back to my grandfather and begged me not to tell anyone. And to this day I haven't told anyone, I was too scared he would come kill my grandparents or me for that matter if he knew I knew his secret. Josh and John only knew the first part to where he yelled at me."

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