Chapter Eighteen

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I woke up the next morning curled up tight in Luke's arms and my head was on his chest, but I didnt mind. For once I felt relaxed and safe all wrapped up in one. The sun was shining threw the curtains hitting my face. But something was off and I couldnt figure out what it was, so I let it go for now. I wanted to enjoy this feeling that I was feeling at this moment.

"Morning beautiful" Luke whispered in my ear using a low husky voice.

It sent chills down my spine making me shiver. I whispered with a small smile and blush on my face "morning."

"Come on, we got to get up" I whispered next and started to move when I finally felt it.

I lifted my arm and saw that I was handcuffed to Luke. "What the hell is this!?" I asked starting to get angry.

"I wanted to make sure you didnt disappear during the night" he said like it was normal.

"Im still here now take them off" I said with a little anger in my voice.

"No can do princess, im making sure you are with me at all times. Excpesially when the full moon is so close." he said then started to pull me down to him to lay back down.

"Stop it," I said sitting back up. "Uncuff me now, im not going to be treated like a prisoner."

"Baby, your not a prisoner." He said

"Sure as hell feels like it!" I yelled.

Next thing I know his bedroom door bangs open and Maire was standing there panting and yelling "whats wrong!?"

"He hand cuffed me and now he wont take them off." I said to her with more anger in my voice now.

"Your making this look worse than it really is baby" he said trying to change my mind.

"No im not! Now take them off!" I yelled.

"Nicole, you need to calm down." Maire said trying to calm me down, but in reality it only pissed me off more. I hated when people told me to calm down.

"I will not calm down! I will not be treated like im a damn prisoner by my mate! And I sure as hell will not calm down when im already pissed off! Im not going take this shit from anyone any more!" I yelled.

Just like before my skin heated up, then the metal melted from around my wrist. The look on Luke's face was priceless and looked shocked. "So telling you too calm down pisses you off more, good to know. Not like I didnt already know but now your a free woman," Maire said.

She was right, I waisted no time and got out of bed and out of Luke's grasp quickly. I was almost to the door when Luke grabbed my arm spun me around to face him and said "Nicole wait, please..."

I interrupted him saying "no!" then yanked my arm from his hand and continued "how could you? Im your mate not your damn prisoner!"

"Im sorry Nicole, I really am. Im just.." he started.

"Just what?" I asked. "Just tell me!" I yelled next when he didnt answer my question.

"IM JUST SCARED OF LOSING YOU AGAIN! DAMN IT!" he took a deep breath looked down, and ran his hand threw his hair. "I have almost lost you to many times to even want to remember and I dont want to do it again. I cant take a chance in losing you again. Please." He said softly looking at the floor.

He was right in a way, I put my hand on the side of his face to make him look at me. "Im still here, ill always come back no matter what. Luke I chose you for my mate not someone or something else. But I will not be treated like a prisoner, and be handcuffed. You have to understand that." I tell him softly hoping he would understand.

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