Chapter Eleven

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"Ok, I have an idea. But we will have to work quickly." I said looking at the rogue.

"And whats your idea?" Alice asks.

"This I got to hear." John says elbowing his brother in the ribs with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I know that look" Josh says agreeing with his brother.

"Just shut up and listen, he said he shot himself with the tracking device right?" I start.

"Right, so what?" Adam said.

I roll my eyes and say "look, I could switch clothes with him and Loki could take him the opposite way were going to head. To throw the rogues off."

"That wont work!" Maire yelled.

"Yes it will, atleast long enough for us to disappear and get Max off our trail." I tell her.

"And how do you suppose it will work huh? I mean do you honestly believe he will think thats you? On top of which what about Loki? Wont he just fly right back to you?" She said pointing to the rogue.

"Could you just have a little faith in me?" I ask her. "I mean really, all you guys would have to do is run out the door after him yelling 'no come back' and 'we can figure something out' and 'you dont have to do this' as he gets on Loki. Once he has taken him far enough, he will shift smaller and lose them before coming back to me."

"We could try it, I mean whats the harm?" Sam asked.

They all thought about it, then I hurd them all say "ok." We got the plan into action, and everyone followed it even Loki played along.

When Loki took off there were howls in the distance. It was as if saying I was on the move. We waited another ten minutes then we made our next move.

"Alpha Greg thank you for everything, but we must leave now." I tell him as everyone else was walking out the door.

"Be safe," he said as I left.

We all shifted and ran back to our territory as fast as we could, and only taking a break when we had to. It took about ten hours to get back since we were pushing ourselves.

Once we were there we parted ways with the warriors but the alpha followed me back to my house. We all shifted back and put our clothes on, and I said "John, Josh, Sam, and Alice, go pack your bags and anything else you need and meet us back here. Dont take to long, ill be ready to leave in an hour."

"Yes alpha" they said then took off running.

I looked at the house that I grew up in, I had not set foot in it since before I was transported to Sams pack. I almost wanted to cry all over again because they were gone. I was brought out of my thoughts when Maire walked up behind me hugging me saying "you dont have to go in there if its too hard."

I took a deep breath and said "im ok, but thanks." She just nodded and let me go.

"Nicole, dont worry about your house while your gone, ill take care of it." Alpha Tom says.

"Thank you, I know you have alot to do now that you are back so please go check in with beta Tray and fill him in on whats happened." I tell him.

He just nods and takes off to his office. He knew this was hard on me but I dont think he really understands just how hard.

I took a deep breath when I reached the front door, then let it out slowly as I walked in. It didnt feel like home anymore, they were gone and so was the feeling. I know that might sound mean but its true.

It didnt smell like my grandmother's cooking and baking, that she did all day long. It also didnt smell of my grandfather's colone that he wore that made me feel safe. It smelled like no one had been here in weeks, and the place had a light cover of dust everywere.

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