Chapter Seven

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As we were making our escape, I was noticing everything around me. It was old, and rare, but mainly it was one of a kind things. I whispered, "is this why he is called the collector?"

"Yes," she whispered into my ear. I had set her on my sholder as I was walking, so I could use both hands when I needed to. I was still recovering my strength from the wolfsbane and silver shots they had given me.

I rounded the next corner and saw the exit, but then stopped in my tracks. "Whats wrong?" She whispered. "Were almost there!"

I was flooded with the feelings of sadness, loneliness, helplessness, and something else.

"Come on lets go!" She yelled again.

"I cant! Someone, or something needs help." I tell her.

"What do you mean? Were almost to the exit and free and you want to go back into the lions den and help someone else?" She said getting angry.

"I helped you when I didnt have to. I could have left your ass here to continue to be his play toy." I said just as angry.

"Sorry, I just dont want to go back! I need to find someone, and there important." she whispered.

"I understand, but I need to help them or it or whatever it is that needs help." I whispered. "I cant explain it but its like I need to help them."

"Ok, lets go, but we have to hurry!" She said and I just nod in agreement.

I turned around and ran back down the hall we came from, making lefts and rights along the way. As I was running I could feel Red moving in my head again, as if she was waking up which was great because I could really use her right now. But then again I needed to be concentrating on the feelings I was getting. All I could do was feel my way to them, I couldn't hear there words or pleas for help. It was wierd, the closer I got to what ever it was that needed help, the stronger I could feel its emotions. I came to a stop at these heavy wooden looking doors. "There in here" I whispered as I was about to grab the handle to the door.

"Dont go in there!" She said quickly and I froze in place and pulled my hand back.

"Why?" I asked

"Thats his office." She said in disgust.

"But we have to help it" I whispered back to her.

I was about to grab the handle again when I hear shouting come from behind the doors. "WHAT!? ..............WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ESCAPED!?....... HOW!?............ MELTED? ...............THAT MAKES NO SENCE! HOW COULD THEY HAVE MELTED MEDAL!?..........THERE JUST ANIMALS!..........THE METAL NONE THE LESS WAS LACED IN MAGIC!................ I DONT CARE WHAT YOU SAY!......... DONT GIVE ME YOUR EXCUSE!.......... IM COMING DOWN THERE RIGHT NOW!" Then herd a phone slammed hard against the wall.

I quickly hid behind one of the old knights armor that was on display in the hallway. Next thing I know his doors come flying open, and hitting the walls with a loud BANG. I watched as he walked angrily towards our cells. I knew we only had but a few minutes before we had to get out of there.

After he turned the corner, I got up and I ran into his office quickly. It was huge, one wall was filled with all old books and the opposite wall had old paintings. There was a few couches and chairs in the middle but in the back of the room there was the biggest desk I had ever seen in my life. "Focus!" She yelled in my ear, snapping me back to reality.

I focused on the feeling I was getting from something in this room. As I got closer to his desk the feeling was stronger. As I reached the desk there was a old and thin looking book laying on top of a black cloth.

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