Chapter Five

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Humming? I asked myself. Who is it that is humming? There voice was beautiful, and it felt as if it was healing my soul. I opened my eyes slowly so they could adjust to the light. When they did adjust I saw the moon goddess looking down at me smiling. My head was in her lap as she brushed her fingers threw my hair softly while I slept. "I told you I would be back when you needed me most" she said softly and smiled.

As I sat up I looked at her as if asking 'what do you mean?' She laughed a little and said "you have found all four of your guardians and protectors and have accepted them. All the werewolves in the world will know that you have come, but not understand why yet. But all too soon they will." She smiled then continued. "But now I have to warn you, your life will get harder, more dangerous, and so will your decisions. But I know you will make the right choice." The smile faded from her face as she continued "my child, listen closely while I talk and understand that this is very important." I nod my head in agreement.

"You wont be teleported anywhere else, I could only do that twice. And that was only to help you find your guardians." She said. I didnt say anything I just nodded my head in agreement and continue to listen to her speak. As I did I wondered what made her sad enough to make her lose her smile.

"I wish I could tell you that things will get easier for you my child but I cant." She started then stopped and cupped my cheek in her hand softly. "You will still feel very small amounts of pain from the people who need your help, and you will be able to hear there pleas for help echo in the back of your mind when you are close by."

"Ok but what about...." I started but she held her hand up to stop me and continued.

"You have a new power you will have to master, all I can say is when you get mad you get hot to the touch and will burn anyone who touches you, even hot enough to burn threw metal. When your sad or depressed you will be as cold as ice, or cold enough to freeze things depending on how your mood is. When you cry it will rain and so on, you will learn as you go. So you will have to keep your emotions in control."

"Why do I need such a power?" I asked confused.

"It is in a way of self protection my child, when your guardians cant be there." She said looking away a little sad.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked worried.

"You and your guardians have mates, and when they find there mates they will put there safty first, not yours." She says, then takes a deep breath again saying, "Just as you will put your mates safety first, when you find him."

When she said that it felt as if she took my guardians away from me and I wanted to cry. How could she do such a thing? She pulls me into a hug and says quickly "My child listen to me im not taking them away from you, there mates will want to protect you as much as they do. So in a way you will gain four more guardians and protectors." As she let me go I just nod my head in agreement still looking at the ground.

She puts her fingers under my chin and lifts my head up slowly and says "dont be sad my child for im sending you a companion. She will be like your shadow, best friend, a sister, she will be anything you need her to be. Once you mark each other you will both beable to feel what the other feels, if your hurt or in need of help. You wont beable to hide anything from each other, and you will beable to mindlink her. She will be like your personal body guard that will never leave you. She will also be the only one beside your mate to touch you when your emotions are out of control to calm you."

"How? Doesn't she have a mate too?" I asked getting upset again.

She looks away from me shaking her head no saying, "no, she doesn't, to tell the truth she wasnt even suppose to be born. But somehow she was, I believe she was born for you, to help you. Also she is unique and alot like you."

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