Chapter Sixteen

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You know that feeling you get when the world stops? You know the one were everything is spinning and then everything around you gets quiet? Yeah, this was that moment. I could smell Luke's sent getting closer as I grabbed for the door knob. I took my time walking in and opening the door, I wanted to make sure Luke was close enough to hear what I said next.

As I walked in I shut the door softly behind me to make sure I didn't startle her. She opened her eyes slowly then smiled at me and I said "hello my queen Luna, and hopefully my soon to be mother inlaw."

After I said this, I could hear alot of people gasp in shock out in the hall at what I had just revealed. I dont think they believed me, but in truth I didnt care what they thought because I knew the truth. I hurd him call her his mate that eventful night, that one night that I will never be able to for get. I watched as her smile grew smaller, her head slowly looked down, and here eyes studied her hands that were folded in her lap in defeat. She whispered "no, my child you are mistaken. I am not the queen Luna."

I took a deep breath, then smiled "You see I would have believed what you said just then, except for one little thing." I said as I walked over and sat on the bed next to her.

She looked up at me confused and asked "what do you mean?"

I smiled and told her "you didn't disagree about being my future mother inlaw, that is if my so called mate gets his head out of his ass."

She smiled and at that point I needed to know why, so asked her "why did you save me all those years ago?" I needed to know if it was because I was the winged wolf, or if it was something else that drove her to protect me that night.

My tears were building up in my eyes and it was getting harder to hold them back when she said "I knew you were there that night, but only after I saw you hide, luckily he didn't. He would have killed you that night, if he had known you were there."

"But that doesn't explain why you saved me?" I said as a few tears leaked down my face slowly.

She wipes them away with her thumbs and holds my head in her hands, she looks me straight in the eyes and said "when I saw my son that day while the two of you were playing, I saw the way Luke looked at you like you were his hole world. It was the same way I first looked a Jeffrey." her smile got a little smaller when she said the last part. Then she said "My child, you have to believe there was no way I was going to let him kill you. If he had, Luke would have died that night along with you." She wiped away more of my tears that fell and then continued "I would not have only lost just my son that night, but a daughter as well."

After she said this I lost it, there was no holding my tears back any longer. I wrapped my arms around her stomach, and laid my head on her chest. She wrapped her arms around me in a comforting motherly way, and let me cry. I just couldn't believe I cried like a little child who had just been hurt on the playground and wanted her mother to soothe the pain.

She was humming a lullaby while patting my head, and rubbing my back with little circles to calm me down. When I calmed down a little I asked her "what would you like to see happen to your so called mate? I will do anything you ask, and it will be done."

When I lifted my head to look at her to show her I was serious, she was a little shocked at what I asked. But she recovered quickly, and said "I dont really know."

"Then we will do it my way," I tell her as I stood up walking to the door.

When I opened the door Luke was standing right there being held back by the twins, Sam, and Mark. When he saw me standing there he stopped fighting to get into the room and stood very still. "Call a pack meeting, everyone and I do mean everyone including the omegas better be there. You have twenty minutes, so I suggest you get started." I said looking Luke in the eyes. Then I looked at Mark and said "I want you to get his father and put him in chains and bring him to the meeting room. Make damn sure he is on display in front of everyone. Take the boys with you to make sure he doesn't escape, because if he does all four of you will be punished. Got it?"

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