New Viners (Chapter 26)

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Matt's P.O.V
I saw Marii moving from one side to other. She couldn't sleep with all that drama around the media. She is scared of what would be tomorrow. I don't know what to do. I don't want her to cut again. I decided to talk her.
"Marii are you awake?" I whisper.
"How did you know?" She ask.
"I'm worried and you are moving and I don't want you to hurt yourself." I said.
"How I can get all this pain out?" She said.
"I read in a book by the most amazing writer that pain demands to be felt." I said.
"TFIOS! That's the most beautiful thing that someone could said to me at this time of pain."she said.
"I promise you that I will not let anyone to hurt you. Tomorrow maybe will be a harder day but we are with you. I believe you. Shai believe you. Lox believe you. Hayes also." I said.
"Thanks for be there matt you're a brother to me." She said.
"Com here you need a warm cuddle from a bro." I said.
She just got out of bed and came to mine. She takes my hand and we just cuddle. She fell asleep. I also.

*next day*

"Matt! Wake up!" Shai said.
"What!? Marii? No! Shit! Please NO!" I screamed.
"Calm down she's okay. She's taking a shower." Shai said.
"Thank you god!" I said.
"What are you going to do with the situation? She's in a bad position and they will judge you for be with her and also me." Shai said.
"I don't know but the guys will make her feel bad. We need to wait what the director of Magcon said about all this drama. We have to wait and take care of her." I said.
"I will not go to work. I call my manager and I told her that I will stay to help Marii. I also call Ansel and he's going to do an interview and he will talk about this and defend her." She said.
"Shai you're amazing!!!" I said and hug her.
"I actually don't call just him. Also other friends." She added.
"Good!!" I said.
Marii came out of the shower. She was sad and worried. I could tell for her eyes.
"Morning! Relax everything is going to be okay." I said.
"I know. I will watch tv while you get ready." She said.
"Come here let's watch it together. What about a movie?" Shai ask her.
"Sure!" She said.
I get in the shower.

Marii's P.O.V
Shai and I decided to watch a movie. It was Divergent on the Tv. Shai was surprised about it. I was just thinking about what people react today at the show.
"Marii? Are you ok?" Shai ask.
"No! I'm scared!!" I start crying.
"Don't think about what the haters said. We believe. We will be here till the end okay." Shai said.
"Alright!" I said.
Matt came out of the bathroom. We all were ready. We took the elevator and go to the hotel restaurant. All the boys are there. I just stop. I don't want to go inside there.
"Don't listen to them." Shai said.
"Okay." I said.
We enter and all the guys stop talking and watch us. I just concentrate in what I going to eat. After we all take our food. I walk to the table alone and sit. Them Taylor came and sit next to me and scream.
"Look who came here to make her seen as strong." He said.
"Look at me bullied." He said.
"Come on! Oh look I take all your bacon." He said. Them he just push my food.
Someone came and took him and push him to the floor.
"What the hell!?" He said.
"Another that believe in her lies." He added.
"I don't recognize any of you. You just bully her and you all. Magcon is family not a place for make enemies. We are here for make our dream come true. Look I don't care if you call me idiot or bullied me for defending her. I truly know that she's not all what you guys are saying." Shawn said.
I can't believe it! Shawn was defending me. He believe me.
"I also believe her." Hayes said standing up the table.
"Nash you are my bro and i love you but I believe in her." He added.
He came and hug me. Shawn gives to me his food and sits next to me. Matt was impressed that he do that. Also Shai.
"Thank you!" I said crying.
"Don't thank me Marii. I know that you won't do that. Don't be scared." He said.
"Hayes also you thank you." I said.
"Marii my brother may kill me right know but I know the true and I'm here with you." He said.
I can't believe they are doing this for me. Shawn didn't know about my cuts but he was supporting me. I'm so thankful with them.
"You see Marii. You are not alone." Shai said.
She was right. I have angels that take care of me and they will not let anything to hurt me. But inside I was predicting my end.
Shawn share his food with me but I actually don't want. Then Cameron and Beth came in. Lox was behind them with Jacob. She looks at me and then she just decided to go. Cameron take Beth and they sit the far they could of me.
"Ignore them. All of them will find the truth of all this." Matt said.
They all will find the truth about all. I don't know what I'm going to do if they know my secret. The only thing now is that I want to be home with my family. I miss brother. Also my mom.
"Mari!! Are you ok?" Shai ask.
"Yeah. I'm fine." I said.
"Let's go to the stage for practice." Shawn said.
We just go. Shawn take his guitar and he start singing a beautiful song. I remember Cameron and I first time kissing. It was so passionate and with love. Real love! Not a fake or a game. Just true love. I read somewhere that when you find your true love, you both are destined to be together.
I don't know if I'm wrong with that idea. We all think different so that's how the person wants to transmit it to you. I'm agree with that person.
"Marii come here and sing!" Shawn said.
"Later. Not now!" I said.
"She's right Shawn at this moment she's suspended from the tour here in Seattle. She will be in test." Mark said.
Mark is the one of the Magcon Management so he has the power of taking decisions. And this case was so complicated that he took this decision for the good of all.
"Marii!! You can come to the show and we will make sure that you have always security. For the news and everything that is going on we took that decision. I know you came from Portland and everything but for now things should be like this. If I didn't do this, I must have to sen you back to L.A. I know that you will be calm like everyone for this days and then I promise you that you will be back at the L.A tour." Mark said.
"Mark! I'm also helping for all the rumors go down." Shai said.
"Also Nat and Ansel." She added.
"Good to hear that! Marii just stay calm and don't cause any other trouble ok." Mark said and he go.
"Don't be sad Marii." Matt said
"It's better for now." Shai said
"Ok" I said
Shai was right it's better be suspendent for now. I hope to get back soon.
End of the chapter 🍒🍉
Next coming soon 😉
- Marii 🌸

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