New Viners (Chapter 31) The Finale

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Mari's P.O.V
Dot was coming back with Cameron. I need to express my feelings for him. This is the moment. Everything will came to light but then Dot came alone with a letter. What is going on?
"He wants me to give you this." He said.
"Where is he?" I ask him.
"Back home." He said.
"I'm sorry baby!" Mom said.
I took the letter and start reading it:
Dear Mari,
I want you to know that I love you since the first time we meet. You look so beautiful that day. I couldn't stop watching you. For a moment I believe it was just a simple crush but no it was more. Things were going better than ever but then all this came here. I am so stupid for just believing in a lie. A simple lie that marked me. I'm sorry! I know you did this because you don't find the way to get all that pain out and because of me. I took hours ago this decision. I'm going back home. I'm doing this for you. I'm sorry! I'm such an asshole for not saying goodbye but is the best for us two. I want you to be happy not with me. I want you to find that guy that can love you the way I didn't. I know I just broke your heart and you broke my. You will hate me for this. I'm sorry! I love you! I hope you forgive me some day.
Those words kill me! He just go back home. He wants me to find someone else. But I love you! Why? Why you do this to me? I hate you Cameron!
I just cry all the night, I couldn't stop it. He broke my heart.
*the next 3 days*
I was feeling better but I was broken inside. The doctor came and told me that I can go back to my home but I that I need to rest. Mom and my brother took me back home. Dot help me to get to my room. I lay in bed and turn on the tv. Then Ginger came.
"Hey" She said.
"Hey" I said.
"I'm sorry...Some of your friends came to see you. Do you want them to come over?" She ask me.
"Yes" I said.
"Guys you can come!" She scream nicely.
"Mari!!" Shai said.
"We are so happy you are doing good." Ansel said.
"I'm sorry! I should said something to them!" Hayes said.
"It's not your fault Hayes. It's mine." I said.
"Don't do this again!" Matt said.
"We need you!" Nash said.
"I need you guys too." I said.
"So after you get better you will come with us on tour?" Matt ask
"I don't know... I need a rest. I need to find myself." I said.
"But we are going to see you again?" Hayes ask.
"Yes! Of course yes!" I said.
"We are glad to heard that!!" Ansel said.
Days and days past and I was getting better. Shai stays and take cares of me. The boys call me everyday for see my progress. My mom took me to rehabilitation sessions every Sunday. The doctor said I was progressing.
"Honey. I need something to tell you." Mom said.
"What mom?" I said.
"We are moving to Malibu." She said.
"Wow!" I said.
"You will like it. The mansion is enormous with an incredible garden and more things. What you think? You want to?" She ask me.
"I think we should go." I said.
"Okay darling." She said.
We pack everything. We were ready to go. I know I'm going to be a little far away from Cameron. I'm not ready to meet someone else. To fall in love with. I still love him.
I said goodbye to home. This place have many memories. Memories with my family. My dad. I miss him so much. We were on our way to Malibu but mom decided to stop in Santa Monica.
"I want you to meet someone." She said.
"Okay." I said.
"Look at that beautiful flower. You grow up so much." A man said.
"Grandpa! It's been.." I said hugging him.
"Long time darling. Welcome to my home." He said.
"You haven't seen him in a lot of time." Mom said.
"Thank you!" I said.
"Malibu it's a beautiful place." Grandpa said.
"I'm happy it is. Did you still working with Steven Spielberg?" I ask him.
"Yes! He told me he was working in "Jurassic World" He invites us to the premiere. It's tonight!" He said.
"We should go!" I said.
"Good!" Mom said.
"Send me the direction and we meet there dad." Mom said.
"Okay darling. Take this V.I.P passes. See you two tonight." He said.
"See you grandpa!!" I said.
"See you there Dad!!" Mom said.
I was happy to see Grandpa again. It's been a long time. We still on our way to Malibu. Then we finally arrived to home. It was so beautiful like a palace.
"We should go and get some dresses to wear tonight." Mom said.
"Yeah! Let's go!" I said.
We went to shopping. Then to the stylist and makeup. Finally we try our dresses we look so beautiful. Two princess. We are on our way to the premiere.
"Excited?" Mom ask.
"Yes!!" I said.
"Don't respond if you don't want." She told me.
"Okay mom." I said.
We arrived and they were expecting us. The paparazzi were asking questions and poses for photos. Then grandpa was there with Steven Spielberg.
"My two beautiful princess." He said.
"Steve this is my daughter and my beautiful granddaughter." He added.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Steven said.
"OMG! I love your work! It's incredible." I said.
"I'm glad you like it." He said.
"We should go!!" Grandpa said.
"Let's go!!" Steven said.
"There's too many invites." Mom said.
"We are on first line with the actors. We are the special guests." Grandpa said.
"Cool!" I said.
"This way darling." Mom said.
We were walking to the front line and then my phone fall to the ground. Shit! Someone took it and then look at me. I just look at him.
"Looks like your phone wants to scaped from your beautiful hands." He said.
"I know right! This always happens to me." I said laughing.
"Don't be embarrassing!" He said and give it to me.
"I should stop flirting with you because your boyfriend will come and kill me." He added.
"You are flirting with me?" I ask him.
"Did I said that? Now this is getting awkward!" He said.
"I don't have a boyfriend so you can stop panicking." I said laughing.
"I'm glad to here that! I was afraid that he would come and punch me in the face." He said laughing.
"Do I keep flirting or... This is getting awkward again." He added.
"I'm not stopping you but this is getting awkward." I said.
"I see you later then!" He said smiling.
"See you then Mrs. Flirting!!" I said smiling.
"I'm Nicholas Robinson! Nick I mean Nick." He said.
"I'm Marii Major!! Nice to meet you Nick." I said.
He smile back and go. He seems to be a nice guy. I walk to my place and sit. Mom was talking with one of her friends. Grandpa was laughing with Steven. Then the movie is about to start. Everyone was looking for there places. The actors were in the stage. Nick was there I didn't know he was at the movie. No way! Chris Pratt! I love that man! This is going to be an excellent movie!! They talk and expressed how much they work for this movie and they thank so much Steven Spielberg for help them through this path. They hope we like it!!
They walk to there places. And then Nick sits next to me.
"I don't know is this is a coincidence." He said to me.
"I think is the destiny." I said.
"Did I miss something?" A kid said.
"This is Ty he's my bro!! We work together at the movie." Nick said.
"Hey! Nice to meet you!" Ty said.
"I'm Marii! Nice to meet you Ty." I said.
"Why didn't you tell me that you were an actor? And that you work at this movie." I ask him.
"I want too but I was afraid you think that for that we couldn't..." He was talking and I interrupt him.
"Don't be...why would you think that I will judge you?" I ask him.
"I don't know. I'm sorry!!" He said.
"You two should date!" Ty said.
"Ty!" He said and I start laughing.
"Man you suck at flirting! He wants to know if you want to go with us to In & Out Burger and to have a date with him."Ty said.
"Ty!" He said.
"I like you Ty! Well let me see... I go with you two to In & Out Burger and about the date I tell you later." I said.
"Good! You see man it wasn't to hard!" Ty said.
"I'm embarrassed. You don't have to accept the date. I think I'm going to fast and as Ty said I suck at flirting." Nick said.
"You don't suck at flirting and I will be honest with you. You are going a little fast but don't think I'm saying no. I think you're a nice guy.I tell you later." I said and he smile back.
We movie was about to start. I could see Nick watching me all the entire movie. He seems to like me. I'm not ready to start dating someone else. I should tell him what is going on in my life. He needs to know. After the movie ends there's an after party so we go for a while. Then we went to In & Out Burger.
"This is my favorite place!!" I said.
"Mine's too!" Ty said.
"Let's go to order." Nick said.
We order our food and we sit outside. It was a beautiful night. I know it was okay to tell Nick what is going on in my life.
"Nick and Ty I need to tell you something. This is not easy for me but I don't want it to be a secret." I said.
"I went to tour with Magcon. I fall in love with a boy. He's Cameron Dallas. My best friend Beth was in love with him. She lied to him and tell him that she was pregnant of him. I start having emotional problems and I take the decision to cut in my waist because that was hurting me. The truth came to life and that day the last day of tour I almost died. Some of my friends know it and I don't want them to tell my secret. Cameron was so destroy that for his good and mine he aparts of me. My mom took me to rehabilitation months ago and then she decided to move to Malibu for me to forget where all of it start and for be far away from Cameron." I said.
They both were looking shocking. Nick hugs me tight and then he whispered:
"We are not going to judge you! We are here for you. I'm glad you shared this with us."
"Thank you!" I said.
"We love you!" Ty said.
"Thank you guys!!" I said.
"Nick about the date I accept but I want things to go slow. I'm not ready yet." I said.
"Okay! We will go slowly." He said.
"You two are adorable!!" Ty said.
"Shut up Ty!" Nick said.
"We will take you on tour!!" Ty said.
"I'm glad to here that!" I said.
This is going to be my new home. My new friends and family. This is a new start for me. Many adventures are coming and new love stories too but I'm happy to have my family with me.
~~~~~~~~~the end~~~~~~~~~~
This is the finale!! I hope you like "New Viners" and don't be sad!! There's going to be another book. This is not the end. Thank you all for the support!! Have a nice day!! ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2016 ⏰

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