| boys hangin'

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"What why am I being dragged to a club" I huff.

"Oh come on don't be a buzkill" george said in his voice.

I grone, "this better not be one of you're schems to find my ass a lover"

"I promise you it's not, just the boys hanging out" Quackity said.

"The club is ringing my 'beware trap' sound in my head" I said giving a sleeping look, "I don't want a boyfriend"

"Oo you're gay" george said.

"I litterly had boyfriend and almost got married to him. Sucks he cheated on me with ur damn sister" I rolled my eyes.

"We wore not aware Jason  was ur ex" Quackity said, "what you mean almost got married"

"I was gon' propse the day I left him" I said, "now shu"

"Come onnn" george said, "don't let him win he would want this nick"

I sighed and got up, "out. I'll get chnaged"

The two scattered  out, as I began to get ready, looking at my naked body for a few moments 'no wander he left you.. ur nobody's satanders' I thought.

I grabed a black tight fitting top, and digging through my closet to find white shruggie, with the light gray netting dripping under.

Putting it over on the chair as I pick up a leather skirt and some ripped jeans optting for the more masculine one.

I then head into the bathroom, took a shower, it was nice feeling the warm water trickle down my body.

I had of been thirty minutes before I stepped out dried off and shaking my head like a wet dog to keep my fluffy hair - putting some boxers on and then heading to my room with  my towel to throw it in the dirty pile taking over.

That I really should do but, that's again  a problem for future me as I got dressed, then I went looking for my black combat boots with the checkered tops.

"Where are they?" I questioned looking arounf my room under Mt dirtyness and everything.

They are my favoite  shoes - so if I'm forced to go to a club I will be wearing them.

"Sap you dressed?" Quackity asked, between knocking.

"Yeah just trying to find my combat boots" I sighed out grabing the chains on my bedside cabin adding them to my pants.

He came in, "oo sexy aren't you. They are out by the couch"

Sapnap hummed, "haha I guess alright I'll be out in a moment, I gotta get a few more accecries and stuff"

"Alright, going all out sap, climbing you don't want a new lover?" Quackity  teased.

"Mise aswell go all out, if not for someone else atleast for myself. When I dressed like this before I was most comfident" I said grabing my Bracelets, a bride on my left and silver bangles bracelets on the white putting on my choker with spikes and silver chain with a lock, "what club we going to?"

"That's a surprise" Quackity  chuckled and left.

I shrug and put my bandana on it had little pandas on it - george got it for me ages ago as a joke, I put my earrings, and grabed my checkered belt putting it on, went out put my boots on.

"Alright. Why the sudden, club idea" I asked, these two aren't much for just clubing.

"We got invited to a party - with club djs and thought you'd like to join" george said, "that's all you get to know"

"Oh com-" I started as I got dragged out of my apartment, they looked the door and there I was in the back seat of George's caveritable.

⚠️Any Spanish  seen in the book is Google translated so if it's not actully what it says  I'm sorry-

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