|doesnt revol around u

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I glared at her for abit before punz rested his hand on my sholder, "he's right Amira, you need to grow up. Though he shouldn't of hit you"

"I hit her because I know her she gets one hit in she beat more" I said, "so"

"Self devense" Dream said, "gaurd take Amira out."

I watched as my ex crushes second bestie got dragged out screaming. I decided  to turn and kiss punz just as a extra fuck you.

Punz didn't seem to mind his hands on my waist as he kissed back over powering me I felt myself being pinned to something, or Someone a hand running in my hair.

I break it panting blushing, "what the.."

Punz smirked, "I see you."

"Hm?" I look to see dream playing with my hair.

God how'd I get here? The famous well known djs both are all over me, someone who doesn't want love yet gains simps like nobody's beeswax.

"You kiss me to piss her off more yet you seemed to like it bueaiful" punz Saif looking at me with his pretty ice blue eyes.

I looked down, "so? Maybe I ju-"

"Youre jealous but don't wanna amint it" Dream said, "not to worry you don't have to be-"

I went quiet, "you do relize how big of a target on my back would be if we did get together"

"Crwzy stans do think me and dre married them" puzn sighed looking to dream.

"Well get you body gaurds. Anything to keep you safe." Dream sidjusted, "infact if you wish well perosly or will send someone out to take you to the car"

"I rode with george and Quackity" I muttered.

"I'm thinking gogy is going home with karl tonight there really hitting it off" punz hum.ed pointing to my bestfriend and karl.

I look to see Karl pinning him, "gogs is such a bottom bitchboy"

"Oi don't say that abt my man" Karl hissed.

"I dated you man before he was convinced he was a top and he bottoms nicely for you" I hum softly leaning onto dream  accepting they are gon hold me.

The room went silent. "You've dated him?" Punz sounded jealous.

"Back in highschool we thought we'd make it in a relationship. Turns out we wore better as besties then lovers" I said, "why jealous?"

He and dream wore looking at me abit, "shall we contuie our game? Or is there a diffrent game you wanna play"

"Lets just contuie for abit" Wilbur sjusted.

I got picked up and carried, "put me down you blonde oof"

"Let us princess you abit. It's our fault you've gotten hurt"  Dream said as we all sat on the ruby red couch.

"I can walk you -" I started only to get dream kissing me.

"Sush~" he chuckled as he dared someone.

I just zoned out looking down... om my god why have i been sent to gay panic... I don't even like them.. what is this felling.

"Honeybear" punz said, "Wilbur asked you"

"Eh' uh dare" I said snapping put of it.

"I dare you to do whatever the duo wants for the rest of the game" Wilbur said.

I look between them and they smirk, "what if we request something involving later"

"He still  has to do it" Wilbur clarified.

I glared, I'm doomed these two both are inlove with me and I saw them glance to my ass.

I dared Quackity  to do are bitchy flirt with Wilbur.

"Oh come on papi~" Quackity  said.

Wilbur was red, admiring this mess.

"Oh so you're calling me daddy?" Wilbur smirked.

Punz leaned to my ear, "awh darling bet you're wondering what we have in mind"

"Jugigng one of you is scanning from my lips to my neck and the other is stareing at my ass I have a good idea" I huff.

"Baby take the make off of you're neck. Let the marks we put on u show" Dream said.

I blushed abit and blanked back to the dare in question.
"Let the duo do what they want til you're asked again" Karl said.

I stared at him as I felt lips on my neck and I passed it to Wilbur but quickly it was intrupted with me moaning.

The duo smirked, "maybe next you'll moan our names. That would be nice"
/end of flashback/
Oh my-

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