| snuggly lap

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Holy shit he looks to good in that dress, I look to punz as as suspected his eyes wore locked on his fat ass.. of crouse we wore both staring.

Sapnap snickered and looked to us, "yk they say stareing is rude"

I spit some of mocktile  out, "its hard not to do when you look that fine darling"

"Eh you only see what I want you to" he said before turning, "to keep the game going while I chnage out of this distar passing it to punz~ later"

He ran off to go get changed.

"Yall are being so fucking perverted to him" Karl snickered, "have you two found ur pup"

"Most diffently" we both say.

"George truth or dare" punz Saif.

"Dare" george said.

"Sog Karl in the bathroom" punz hummed.

Both went red and walked off, our honeybear came back.

"Soo-" he said seeing the Teo leave.

"They are making out in the bathroom" I hummed as he went to fix his gloss, "you wear makeuo"

"Truth or dare?" I ask.

"Truth" sapnap hummed.

"Are you're freckles fake" I said.

"Yeap there Eyeliner pen." Sapnap said non salont, "I wear that eyeshadow and gloss"

"That only makes you hotter" punz said, "princess"

Sapnap huffed, "I ain't no princess"

He then dared Wilbur to kiss Quackity, the two came back.

I look to Amira who seemed annoyed with nick, Wilbur dared who something.

"Truth or dare punz" Amira said.

"Dare" he hummed.

"Kiss the person in this room you wouldn't be apposed to yk" she said.

Punz blushed and she seemed to get all ready.. that's gonna be heart breaking.

Punz pulled the bueaiful  boy to his legs and onto his lap, a soft peck was given.

"M~" sapnap said, seemly letting punz just kiss him our of shock.

It broke, "you're welcome to stay there to surger" punz said soft.

"It is more comfortable then  the floor" sapnap snickered and moved  to kinda cuddle punz.

I mouth ' lucky bastered'

"A male?! You always kiss a girl" Amira huffed.

"Well nick is a new joiner and it seems both djs has there eyes set" Wilbur  said, "they can't take there eyes off"

"Can we get some drinks for you guys made?" The bartender asked.

"The useal" me and punz said.

"And for you princess?" I say.

"Raverry cocktail" he'd hum.

"You are-?"

"Pass it" punz hummed.

The bartender took the orders and went to make them  sapnap looked perfect on punzs lap snuggled up.

The game contuied for awhile, alot of fun dares went around.

"Truth I sappose?" I hum

"Whyd you went all dj you could of been a model" mrciadis said.

"I was one into music, and also I wanted to work with punz senice young.. and fastest way to get away from .. something I won't mentioned" I said sipping my mocktile.

Sapnap was enjoying his cocktail. Karl and George seemed to be getting all snuggly.

"Truth or dare karl" I say.

"Turth" Karl said.

"Are yall a thing" I asked.

"Yeap happend in the bathroom" he repsoneded.

"Damn who knew you'd be the frist to get a partner" punz hummed glaring down to sapnap.

"Don't even look at me." He huff, "whatever you're thinking ain't happing"

"Oh come on. You don't have be so difficult" I say unamused.

Honeybear - preamnap  [Compelted]Where stories live. Discover now