|jealous cunt

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I drink my drink, soon getting up to head to the bathroom laying  down deciding to redo my makeup abit senice it got messed up, and optting to hide marks slightly left by dares pepole don't need to see as the door swings open.

"Who.?" I asked looked back through the mire, brown hair with bleech dyed blond bangs.. Amira

"Ugh I don't know who you think you are taking punz-kun from me" she huffed. "Like what the hell mewbie"

"I'm sorry? I stole him how so?" I asked confused as I spon to lean back on the sink, as I dotted and blended out my freckles abit.

"He was like he is to me before you came along." She hissed.

A obvious lie, I herd Karl say he and dream are never this flirty, "odd Karl says he doesn't normally flirt"

"He doesn't but I was getting there. But you had to come along and steal his attention  the moment you strut in all playboy in all" she hissed stomping her foot.

"One, I'm not a playboy alteast get that right" I sigh out, "two, it's not my fault  he can't keep his eyes off someone he can't have"

"What." Amira hissed, "hell get whoever he wants"

"Not me. Its me they both clearly want and I'm not interested in a relationship. Never again  after my ex feanice" I huffed.

"Ugh! Well then stay away from him" she hissed.

"My bestie is dating one of his friends I do have to be nice" I sigh, "but whatever if he wants you he's all yours"

I went to leave after putting my freckle pen away only to get her grabing and slaming me to the floor, "fucking bitch"

"What you gonna do you can't hit a girl" she giggled.

"I can't you say?" I grumbled senice I had blood on my face senice she threw me or pushed me to the start door lock, I looked up. "Quackity  george know i don't. Unless I was striked frist"

I grumble as she giggles, "you wont you're a pussy"

"Youre the pussy you're fighting me in a fucking bathroom" I hissed  and stood up and socked her in the face getting a strike and she ran out of the bathroom.

I went back over to look Into the mirror using paper towel to try and stop the blood, "rats.."

It got worst the more I tried I herd the door open but I was getting dizzy as a grabed onto the sink blood gushing down my face. "This fucking cunt"

I must of blacked our because the next I open my eyes I'm in someone's arms I glanced around... punz and dream screaming at Amira I closed my eyes and pushed up felling my face.. someone bandged me.

"H..h-" I grone.

"Youre up" Wilbur said looking at, "can I get you anything, crackers? Water? What happend"

"M... when did I get out here on..?" I mumbled.

"Dream went to check on you after amria came screaming abt you hitting her with Quackity. And they found you holding on the sink bleeding" Wilbur explined.

"Chico what happend" Quackity said worried.

"la perra me arrojó a un puesto porque pubz está encima de mí... supongo" I mumbled sitting up.

"Oh so Amira did hit you frist. Because punz was cuddling up with you?!" George said clearly angered.

Punz and dream spon to look at me.

"I'm sorry amria fucking attacked you because we wire snuggly with you?" Punz said.

"Mhm.. I was just redoing my freckles senice they got a little messed up and she attacked me Goin' all jealous bimbo" I huffed standing and walking over to the girl.

"You are petehic I wonder how you've servied after highschool Amira mrix I'm shocked you didn't recognize  me" I say.

"Nick... is that you you played my bestfriend lucy" she hissed.

"Played? I'm sorry I was taken when she asked me out. Plus for dear God amria red heads aren't my type" I huff.

"Youre type then?" She hissed.

"Brenats or blonds." I hummed, "you need to grow the fuck up"

"But" she said.

"The world doesn't revole around you" I say. "I was trying to be nice when you came to me but you attacked me, fucking cunt"
Oh lanta.

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