| truth.. or maid dress

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Jesus is sapnap blind, or that determined the djs are totally simping and flirty with him I lean to karl.

"Are those two always like that?" I asked quietly.

"No they typically arent this simpy" Karl said, "they may be taking a liking to you're friend"

"He's not wanting a relationship so I wish those two luck" I hum abit leaning back.

"Oof" Karl said, "the djs are so into him"

"Alright let's get this game going of truth or dare" Dream said, his eyes glued on sapnap, "would you care to start bueaiful?"

"Pf. I am not flirt" sapnap said sounding very uninstreted, "but sure"

"Quackity truth or dare" sapnal added.

"Dare I ain't no coño, chico" Quackity said.

"Coño?" Wilbur  asked.

"He Said he ain't a pussy" sapnap rolled his eyes, "Alright then darling. Recreate the dance you did at prom"

Quackitys eyes widden, "you bloody ratta"

"sí, sí, ¿por qué no te atreves a hacer cabriolas?" Sapnap scoffed.

"For those who don't speak Spanish he said, yeah yeah why don't you do your dare prancy" I hummed.


I roll my eyes, "or should I call you twinkle toes"

Quackity  stood up and did his dance, I was snickering. It was basically chicken dance with a robot twist and a spin.

"Nick I'm gonna jodidamente matarte" Quackity  said bright red.

I saw Wilbur looking him up and down with the look, "sure you will. I highly dought you could with you're noddel arms"

"Alright children stop arguing" george said, "this isn't home you aren't to act like siblings"

"Oh so sorry father" I rolled my eyes.

Punz and dream snickered, sipping there  drinks some kind of cherry drink, I wouldn't know as I don't really drink.

The game contuied, it was ruthless dares between friends but I advently broke the dare streek.

"Why would you not want a relationship" Karl asked.

"They either fuck me over, reject me so why try" I roll my eyes, "punz truth  or dare"

"Dare honeybear" punz hummed  glaring at me.

I bit my lip to think of a dare, "stop flirting with me for three rounds"

Punz rolled his eyes, "damn you're fisty."

"M~ honeybear come on that's a senseless dare" Dream said.

Honeybear, when did they ever change my nickname, "Jesus you two chnage nicknames like a girl changes clothes" I pause, "and you say I'm the playboy"

"Nah they don't do this ever" Wilbur  said, "probably trying to find a name that makes you blush"

Punz turns, "Wilbur truth or dare?"

"Dare." Wilbur said.

"I dare you to snuggle Quackity for the rest of the game" punz smirked.

The two have been glancing in a lovey like way, quackity blushed and crawled to snuggle with Wilbur.

He was clung to his side hid under his chin - I snaped a pic, "ill keep that one for later."

"I'll beat you're ass nicloas" Quackity  hissed.

"Not if Wilbur fucks yours frist" I hummed leaning on the wall.

Punz held his tongue but leaned to dream as Wilbur dared karl, I tonned out honstly the dare was some kind of dance.

"Baby you sure you don't wanna lean on punz? We don't mind" Dream said softly.

"Like I would want pictures going around of pepole saying I'm dating the well pronod djs. That seems like hell" I roll my eyes.

"Sapnap  truth or dare" Quackity  said.

"Dare" I say sipping some kind of lemon drink.

"I dare you to wear a maid dress, and do the  about damn time dance" Quackity said.

I grone, "you fucking bitch"

Now I did go through a fase where I crossed, "do you even have one?"

"Yeah go back it's in the connected dress area" Dream said.

I got up and went back to chnage, "Oh. Fuck me"

I look in the mirror, this dress hugs yeah but it's a sexy maid outfit... I groned more  and went out.. I could feel to eyes wandering aginst  me as I do the stupid  dance.

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