|Some unholy truths

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"Highly dought yall are big ehnogh for my standers" I roll my eyes, "but I may be for dreams"

"Youre so sure you're the one that's gon do the fucking?" Dream rose his brow, "and what you mean standers"

"He's a whore for big dick you should see his dildo" Quackity said.

"Quackity maldito soplón" I huffed.

"Very well I am a snitch" Quackity  sighed.

"Well I think maybe we're gon have a whore then" punz smirked, "witch is fine he can be our whore, right dream"

"Very well i wouldn't mind him being that for us" Dream winked at me sipping his drink, "bartender get princess another drink"

"Same thing young master?" The bartender  said.

"Cherrycoke with vodka" I shrugged.

I have a feeling I'm gonna need that, for the smirk the two had on there face.

"Love the taste of cherry so much you switched to cherry?" Punz teased, "must of got it off our tongues when we made out"

"Damn you're onto something bueaiful" I flirted with him a tad.before moveing straddling his lap, "I know you both I still have to do what you want. But as this time I wanna straddle and cuddle punz that cool"

"Fine by us aslong as it's one of us" Dream said ruffling my hair as I cuddle the blue eyed blondie.

The game picks up and I tune it out messing with punzs necklace.

I felt someone  shake my arm and I snap out.. some random guy. "Huh.. the dare was?"

"Kiss the prettiest boy here" Dream huffed looking at it jealously I look to punz who was ot.

I sighed let them kiss me I didn't do much til felt like it was to long and they wanted to go to deep.

"Kiss. Not make out" I huff, "ill take the compliment tho"

Dream  picked up my chin, "you're the hottest I see tho... mmm maybe mine and punzs bed can give us abit  of a hand"

I could feel punz poking as the boy who kissed me went bright red in anger.

"We're at a par-"

"Wed end it right this moment to get our dicks wet in the hottest princess" punz hummed.

"You two famous fucks get everything" the guy said who kissed me and stormed to his spot.

I blinked, "who was that guy"

"James altervista. He parties here alot" Dream hummed,  "to bad who he's after now seems to want us~"

"What time is it?" I ask looking between the two, before looking to karl and George's  spot seeing they wore  missing.

"Near 10pm you're friend and karl left an hour ago karl probably  is getting his dick wet by now. Why you ask" punz hummed.

"Well I'd perfer not to be up all night screaming sooo if you'd like to hookup tonight I would recommend taking  me to ur penthouse soon" I hummed.

I mean, there hot. Famous.. maybe  they will  shower me and spoil me.. treat me how george said I desvere.

"Or to or limo well fuck you in there no problomo" Dream winked at me holding my chin. "Kiss me."

He'd chuckle and leaned in pecking him abit before he pinned me to punzs lap, "k-kiss me fell me with you're posion"

He then kissed me and we made out Heatley for a long while.
Oh dear god

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