| offical

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I wake the next moring  in dreams room, though to raven locks on my bear chest  and blonde in my neck.

I reamber vaugly getting here. I also reamber the whole night trying to hookup with a raven... with dream.. looking more closely he was leaking cum.

He woke up, "stop staring at what you did to me last night you perv" he'd say with a scratchy voice.

That's when it hits Mr as I blushed, me and Dream fucked the hot as fuck raven haired... i don't remaber much.

"Oh how was it" I winked at him.

"Fantastic. Though last night you said something abt wanting to seem me in ur bed more" he'd mutter abit hiding in my chest.

What could I of... ment hmm.. I'd have to ask dream but I wouldn't mind  having this cutie move in.

I spoke dream awake and he smirked, "Ah we madged so many fun memories from the night before"

He Saif giveing a half lidded look, at the raven.

I leaned to his ear and whispered, "apprently last night I half sudjusted he moved in"

"Wouldn't mind. But he does need to agree to be ours frist" he muttered.

I nodded and hummed, "dre why don't you get dressed and inform the chef to make his famous brifest  imma get pretty thing all cleaned"

Dream nodded and got up getting half dressed and went off to tell the chef as I got honeybear all bathed and  dressed I ended up getting a few kisses.

"So lovey. You wore a pain last night" I chuckle smiling at him in my hoodie.

Dream came back and sat on the foot of the bed seeing us cuddled in the computer  chair.

"So about what punz sudjusted last night" Dream said, "I do think we should have that discussion"

"I wouldn't mind" sapnap said looked between us blushing, "anything on ur mind?"

"Wed like to call you ours if you live with us" we'd say as I rub sapnaps legs.

Sapnap luaghed, "I love how blunt yall are."

"That doesnt.." Dream said, "will you be our boyfriend"

"Yes you dumbass. You already  blew out my back and I sucked ur dicks in a damn limo" sapnap proudly exlimed as there was a knock on the door.

"Come in"  I called out.

In came mar with the food she smiled, "you three seemly had fun. So much fun two uh.. underdrrssed females are at the door."

I took the food, "thank you and fell free do deal with them. There probably  a brown bleech blonde  hair looking one and a barbie  wanna be?"  Dream said.

"Correct" Mar said.

"Brown haired one sent my ass into a door and made me pads out bc punz was all over me the other cried when dream  was all over me" sapnap hummed, "I was just redoing Frakle's and got attacked"

Mar luaged, "I know you from highschool  sapnap. But welcome and I'll deal with them right away"

Mar left and not ten minutes later we hear unholy screams.
We spent that day getting sap moved in and took the next few days off to hang our but decided not to annoyed it officly til our next dj party advent.
The end.

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