| Barbie n' ken

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When it broke, "you're such a bitch you know?" Dream said
"I'm well aware dream. But shcokly I have two really hot men who would love to mess my walking  ability up" I giggled.

"Hot hm?" Punz smirked softly, "well you're  right. And we'd take you to our penthouse whenever you wish"

I bit my cheek. I wouldn't mind it. Like sleeping with these to, some complies me ro offer to suck one of there dicks right now to.

"You should take me our before getting stright to the point" I giggle moving  abit.

The simp came back. And dream apprently moved pinning me inches apart our lips.

"Can you not be openly fucking fags." She hissed.

I look down before looking at her. "Let me go you two"

They both looked me hurt be did as I asked, as I walked over to her.

"Listen her barbie. This isn't you're show or movie" I said, "this isn't a plastic doll house where you contorl everyone and everything either."

"I'm sorry?" She hissed, "what you call me"

"This ain't no dream house, and this isn't barbie and ken, or Adam and eve"  I said, "its 2023 I thought we left that idea in 2015, or even further in the 70s"

"Ugh! Woman wore m-"

"Oh shut you're hoe ass up" Quackity  huffed, "you're pissed because you ain't us, getting the whole crew simping"

"Nah she big mad bc she can't have dream" I luaghed, "why don't you go play with you're pom poms else where?"

"How'd you know I was a cheerleader" she hissed, "stalker"

"Bitch you went to my school. You dated the quarterback for a month then hoed abt" I said, "like a hornet without a hive"

"Wha-" she hissed.

"He bassicly said you went from queen bee to nobody after highschool" george said, "and I see it"

"Oh you three wore the dick trio" she hissed.

"Actully they called us the bitchy trio get that right before I rip that plastic face apart" I hissed as I get pulled back and arms around my waist.

"As much as this is hot honeybear. We don't wish you behind bars, but in our bed" Dream said in my ear kissing it softly, "as for u whatever the hell you're name is. You're abt to get a one way ticket to out."

"What" she hissed.

"We are about to have you on the never party with us again  list" punz Said wrapping his arm around me. "We don't tolerate  homopobia"

"Ugh why you defending that loser" she hissed.

"I'm not a mirror sweetheart" I snicker, "eat you're heart out"

"Youre still the same playboy" she hissed.

I hum looking between the two blondes, "handsome either one up to get there dicks sucked, rn?"

Both blushed, "not infront of pepole love we don't need thst picture out"

Didn't think about that one. "Right. Sorry"

"Nah we don't mind you offering but we're more then down to let you suck us off later" punz said kissing me soft, "as of you axoc you may leave if you aren't pleased with me and Dream being all lovey"

"With who we aim to be dating soon" Dream cut in.

I bit my lip, why does that now sound so tempting. Something I want.

"Get the fuck out barbie" Quackity  started as Wilbur pulled him and kissed him.

"Sush babyduck" Wilbur said sudactively.

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