| shit music

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I grone, not likeing this long ride, not only did they have the aducity to drag me to the car. They had to play the worst fucking music.

"You guys have shit music taste" I grone, "how could you get invited to a party with djs"

"Oh shut up. You changed you're always so negative" Quackity Said, "what happend with you"

"I just became more bitchy" I shrugged, no I'm just very fucking lonely, I've always been outlasted luaghed and told I was ugly, getting brutally rejected, until my ex who fucked  me up, "I don't wanna be fucked over again"

"Let you're gaurd down for the night, who knows sapnap the djs may take a likeing to you, when you you, you're so cool" george said turning down the music.

"Aye q had me the mirror in the glove" I grone, maybe there right.

Quackity  grabed it and gave it to me, "what you doing"

"Eh you know me and my fake ass freckles" I snicker pulling put my freckle pen drawing freckles them on to my face and bleeding them to look realistic, using the mirror.

"True you gotten way to good at doing fake freckles. They look so relastic" george luaghed, "gonna do you're other stuff to?"

"Gloss and dark eyeshadow?" I asked, "maybe  gloss but eyeshadow I ran out of my color"

"You used that giant batch of gray white and black already?" Quackity asked shocked, "you are never out"

"I was practicing alrig?" I said pulling out my clear gloss with the shine, I open it and dipped it abit before smathering it on my bottom lip rubbing them together. "There my look bassicly put together"

The two smiled, I sappose they are happy  I'm doing anything but roting on my bed scrolling and through Twitter before finding that boring and using my earbuds to turn out there parody music with gold ol' sex pistols.

"You looking like a playboy nick" geogre said looking from rearview. "Thought you left that in highschool"

"Like I left our four day relationship? And we pretended it never happend" I scoff, "dude I never played anyone not my fault those hoes didn't accept I was anything but straight"

To put it in a nice way, the girls who liked me back then wore like a 90's cokewhore, they wore nothing like my type.

I don't even know my type anymore, but it sure ehnogh is not whore. I haven't really liked a girl senice abery acosta. She brutally shut me down, called me ugly as fuck.

And mostly because I "played" her bestfriend. So makeing out with my lover at the time, who we didn't count as a partner was playing Lucy.

"What was Lucy then nick" Quackity  questioned, "the whole school females thought you played her"

"I kissed george infront of her I guess. Wasn't even aware she liked me to be honst" I half explined. "She's why me and george broke up to because she speeded I was dating her for some amount of time"

"3 months nick" george said, "but you went with it"

"Well fuck I didn't play her. It didn't help I apprently fell for her best sister friend" I grone. "I wasn't. A playboy"

"Yet you dressed like one" Quackity  luaghed.

"I liked the style I looked cool, I'm cool so you know it fits" I roll my eyes pausing my song. "Why does it even matter"

"Well. Just saying- you stoped dressing like that after highschool" george pointed out, "why bring back the arch?"

"You said clubing" I shrugged, "how much longer do I have to be in this car"

"We're there in 2 minutes nick." Quackity  replied.

"And so what it's not like I want anyone so maybe if I look the part I'd be left the fuck alone" I groled as the car stoped.

"We're here" george chirped.


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