| party room

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I get out and follow them to the doorman.

"Name?" The guy asked.

"George. George davis" george said.

"Please enter, with you parsay" the guy said.

He was tall and buff, but diffently not to bright just letting random in with a spical guest.

"Where's the party room?" George asked.

"Go in the desk will direct you" the guy said.

I looked up, the club stargazer was where I was, meaning... but there's no way.

"Did you seriously get us into one of -" I started.

"Can I aid you three?" The desk worker said.

"Yes, I'm George Davis, me and my friends here have been invite to the djs party" george mentioned.

"Oh, go stright  frist door to the left of the red booth" the desk worker said, "have a good time boys"

And to that we walked through a booming club, one so dressed in bright dancing colors, though the club front is very closed for the night, but the bartender was there still.

"Have you figured it out yet, nick" Quackity asked.

"How have you two managed to get into to two world famous djs underground party" I mumbled as we reached. George slowly knocked some code.

And like that  he was aloud in us following behind.

"Hello?" The party members said, the djs looking up from there phones.

"You guys must be George's friends" Dream said.

I look around the room, it's dark yet bright with neons around, gold and lime a odd array to be honst. "That would  be right" I sqeek.

Punz glanced me up and down, "ur a playboy"

"Shut the hell up" I roll my eyes cocky like, "old outfit from highschool. Haven't been parting senice then"

"Oo~ spitfire" Dream hummed.

"Nick play  nice." Quackity said pulling my ear.

"It's sap.nap. not nick" I grumbled at the bennie wearing ravernette.

"Please take you're seats or the one empty" a brent Saif in the corner.

I look and my lucky quackity and george seemed to packt together  and I was to sit right by dj punz.

"So sapnap huh~ you're really are a dream come true" punz said quiet ehnogh for me to hear when I was sitting down.

"Very original punz." I hummed, "herd that one before"

"Damn you're cocky" the taller brit said, "mister popular?"

"Nah-" I started.

"He was a ladies  mam, yet got a rep of a player by the ladies" george snickered.

I glanced off at the glissing wall of bashing colors, "yeah- not my fault.. but I dont know half the pepole in this room-"

"Oh how rude - I guess  it'll be useful for you to meet all in before we get into the game" Dream said, "go clockwise I'll start"

"Dream- probably  knew that tho" he flipped his hair.

"Flirt." I scoffed.

"Awh does princess not like that" Dream winked at me.

"Wilbur,  the lighting man of the club part of there crew" the taller brit Saif.

"I'm no damn princess you tall fame boy" I grumbled.

"Fisty~" punz hummed, "no need to be so fisty"

I huffed and crossed my arms and glared at the wall, who knew they wore this damn flirty.

"Karl. I'm the sound manager in the crew" the brent  said.

A few girls I didn't care about Saif some stuff. And then my friends and of crouse then me.

"Sapnap, I litterly got dragged here" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh pleasure to have you~ bueaiful glad you wore" punz flirted, "names punz"

Oh this is gonna be a long night.
Dj pov

This cocky boy george brought in, god he's pretty but also just what we like- we don't want some whore begging for us.

We want one who seemly plays hard... to get

Punz glared to me and whispered to me "djs pup maybe?"


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