1. she

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"she was a girl with good intentions"

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"she was a girl with good intentions"

"she was a girl with good intentions"

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They gave her the red card. F4 had actually given Gorya the red card. I honestly couldn't believe it. This is the first time that they'd ever given it to a girl.

Today, I was running a bit late so when I got to the school that's what I came upon. They were chasing her to the stadium. Shivers ran down my entire body at that. How could these people be so cruel? I still wasn't even sure what she did to be given a red card.

To be frank, that scared me.

If they had the guts to give Gorya the red card–what's to say that they won't give it to another girl after her. I wasn't that close to Gorya, but I wanted to help her. She shouldn't have to go through all this torment for something probably little. Knowing that it was Thyme that had given it to her, it's easy to guess that. He was known for being short-tempered.

I debated if I should run after them or not. If I did, there was a slight chance that I could help Gorya. But there's a slightly bigger chance that in the process I'll get hurt too.


Shaking my head, I decided to run in the direction of the stadium. My hands gripped the straps of my backpack tightly, causing my knuckles to turn white. I was more than nervous; I was scared. The closer that I got to the stadium the tighter I clenched my bag. Though, I only hoped that they wouldn't actually hurt her.

That hope was short-lived when I saw Gorya in the water on her knees. She looked close to tears but wasn't letting them spill. I had to admit that she was pretty brave. My eyes wandered from Gorya to the crowd in the worn down bleachers and those on the ground, including myself.

Only three of the F4 members happened to be here, Ren never seemed to like taking part in this. Which struck me as odd seeing as he is friends with the others. Kavin, the player sitting in one of the leather couches on the right, while the leader, Thyme was smack dab in the middle with a smirk on his face. Then there was MJ on the left, admittedly bored.

I truly think the only one that enjoyed this was Thyme.

My teeth dug into my bottom lip out of habit. Whenever I was even in the same room as F4, I truly felt nervous, I felt unsafe. Especially with Thyme around–when he was gone, the others weren't too bad.

One of the guys went to hit Gorya and I looked down, please don't.

Water splashed at my feet and a hand was suddenly in my hair. My head was forced up, it was Thyme. I swallowed in fear. What had I done to make him angry?

"What did you say?" His voice was full of ire, his eyes full of what could only be described as rage. Realization hit me when he asked the question, I had spoken my thoughts out loud. I tried to avert my gaze anywhere but him. That was a big mistake. Thyme dragged me by the hair and threw me down in front of Gorya. My breathing had become rapid with fear and my entire body shook.

"Thyme," Keeping my head down, I peered up toward the voice to find out who was speaking. It was MJ, he was now standing and looking at Thyme, eyes flickering down on me for a moment. The water sloshed up into my eyes.

"What? She knows the rules of the game."

My eyes went back to the wet ground, droplets of water falling from my face. More splashing, a pair of feet were right in front of her now, not Thyme's.

"But that's not—" MJ was cut off when Thyme sent a foot right into my side. I instinctively let out a yelp, my hands flying to my side. "Thyme!" Kavin had stood up then, "That's too far."

My side was throbbing in pain from the kick and I just knew there was going to be an awful bruise there. Thyme had let out a loud laugh, "It's the rules!" He truly sounded like a maniac having an episode, "She wants to help the red card pick!"

A hand dug into my hair and forced my chin up again, "Might I make this clear, today onward, anyone who tries to help," Thyme looked around at everyone in the stadium, "Will receive their very own red card."

My eyes went wide, this can't be happening. Had Thyme just given me a red card for accidentally speaking aloud? For speaking what I truly felt? I was shaking and the cold water wasn't helping. "May she be the first."

MJ and Kavin looked at each other before stepping forward, in unison they spoke, "Thyme, no."

His friends had tried to convince him, but it didn't work. I truly felt like crying, but I knew that something bad could happen. Though, I did not think that it would be this bad. Unlike Gorya, I kept my mouth shut and didn't try to protest for myself. That would make it so much worse.

"What's done is done."

Thyme let go causing me to fall forward. Thankfully, I was able to catch myself with my hands. The gathered crowd started whispering to one another in shock. I could hear Thyme leaving and those same guys making their way towards me and Gorya. Someone grabbed my hair and went in to slap my face, until a hand grabbed their wrist.

"Enough, no one touches her." Looking over I saw MJ gripping onto the other's wrist tightly. He didn't seem too happy either while dropping their wrist. They looked at me before returning their gaze on MJ. "B-but Thyme–."

MJ interrupted, "I don't care what he said. The rules aren't changing, you will not," He looked around, "None of you will lay a hand on her, understand?"

While I was grateful for his help, I had to wonder why he was doing it. I was certainly no one special to him.

two red cards | F4 Thailand : MJWhere stories live. Discover now