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"fall in to your charm, it gets me every time"

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"fall in to your charm, it gets me every time"

MJ had managed to sneak me out of the school without running into any of the other students

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MJ had managed to sneak me out of the school without running into any of the other students. But even if we had, I'd assume they'd be too scared of him to do anything to me.

We were now standing in the parking lot, but not the one that held most of the other student's vehicles. This was the special parking lot—not that parking lots are special, but it's meant for only the teachers. Yet, F4 had managed to get parking passes for it. I looked around for his car but all I saw was a lime green motorcycle, with black accents. Then it hit me, MJ always drives a motorcycle to school, so that meant it was his.

I stared at it, nervously.

"You okay?"

My gaze flicked to him and back to the bike. I felt nauseous simply by looking at the helmet that he pulled out from the small compartment, placing it on the seat. Biting into my lip, my hands brought my bag to my chest. MJ snapped me from my daze when he placed his hand on my hip. For some reason, I felt embarrassed to be this scared of a motorcycle. But after all the accidents that I've heard that involved them—I couldn't help myself.

"You're scared." He said it matter of factly and I gave a small nod.

He pulled me in closer, "I promised you'll be safe. I wouldn't do anything reckless."

I stared at him, my toes curling in my shoes from the warmth that radiated from him.

"Of course, nothing reckless with you."

Holy hell, why did he have to say it in such a sensual way? How could someone be so hypnotizing in the same way they were mysterious? MJ was also beyond gentle with me. Since the beginning in the stadium, he had taken care of the scraps that I had gotten from the ground. And now, he was doing his best to give me reassurance that I would be fine.

He leaned in closer, our noses almost touching, his breath warm against my skin. I closed my eyes. A kiss I wasn't expecting at that moment but when his lips brushed mine, butterflies exploded in my stomach.

"What's going on over here?"

I opened my eyes as MJ pulled away and turned to the voice. My gaze fell to the ground, embarrassed.

"Nothing sir." He was so calm in his response.

"That better be the truth, now get out of here."

MJ nodded and picked up the helmet, before gazing down at me. He brushed my lip with his thumb, a smile playing on his lips. My face flushed even more at the action.

"My precious ruby, let's go."

Precious ruby? Why did he—oh. MJ carefully placed the helmet on my head, it was slightly too big for me but he adjusted the straps to secure it. He put his leg over the motorcycle, sitting down and gestured for me to get on.

Didn't he need a helmet too?

"I'll be okay, princess."

My eyes widened a little, I just had to say that out loud. He held out his hand and I took it, still hesitant about getting on. MJ pulled me closer, "We wouldn't want you to get into trouble, now would we?"

At those words, I quickly got onto the motorcycle, sitting behind me. He pulled my arms around his waist.

"Now hold on tight."


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