17. how I look on you

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"say you want me anyway, do ya"

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"say you want me anyway, do ya"

I paced around my room nervously

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I paced around my room nervously. MJ had told me what time he would be here to pick me up before leaving last night. I had spent hours rummaging through my clothes to find something that was somewhat presentable. Which had proved to be pretty fruitless.

There wasn't really anything in my small closet that would make me appear nice or even fancy. I heard that Gorya was also going to be in attendance thanks to Ren, so that helped to ease my anxiety. But the lack of formal wear that I owned was only eliminating that feeling.

I felt like I was going to embarrass MJ in front of all these important people. Which was only another reason I had been reluctant to go with him—to go at all.

I kept checking the street through my small bedroom window, not only for MJ but for my parents. They had left earlier saying they had something important to do and I hadn't tried to ask, as I knew they would never tell me. I sat on the edge of my bed, picking at the blanket when a knock sounded at the door.

Grabbing the blanket, I wrapped it around myself and made my way to the front door. I slowly turned the knob to reveal MJ standing there in an all black suit. Hell, he looked even attractive in a tux.

He looked at the blanket that I held close around my body.

"Are you ready?"

I looked away when I responded, "I guess."

He tugged at the blanket, "Then what's with the blanket?"

Why did he have to ask that? I wasn't exactly sure if I had a good answer to that question, other then the truth. That I was embarrassed and didn't have a suitable wardrobe option for the event. I shrugged and averted my gaze.

"What is it?" MJ pulled me closer and poked my cheek.

My face felt warm, my body equally so. I didn't understand why I always flushed around him, but nonetheless, I couldn't stop it. My body just happened to respond that way along with the endless zoo inside of my stomach.

"Ila..." He whispered into my ear.

I sucked in a breath before exhaling, "My outfit...it's not."

His brow rose, "Not what?"

My fingers clutched the blanket tighter, "Not good enough, not nice enough."

MJ let out a sigh and cupped my face in his palms, "Anything you wear is damned good enough."

I wanted to savor this moment, his touch. But I couldn't and pushed his hand down, "It's not."

Finally I had dropped the blanket to reveal the blue long-sleeved dress, that had truly seen better days.

"I can't go to such an event wearing this, especially if I'm going with you." I held his gaze a moment.

He stepped forward, "Princess, I like you no matter what you wear. But if you insist on something else."

Pulling out his phone, he pressed a few buttons before a sports car pulled in behind his motorcycle. I looked at him in confusion. He didn't say anything as Kavin walked in holding a garment bag.

"I told him this would happen."

His words stung a little, but I know he didn't mean it in that way. Kavin might be a little bit of a playboy but he's not dumb. And not completely emotionless. I slowly took the garment bag and went into my room to change.

Unzipping the bag, I gasped at the dress I saw. It obviously wasn't too extravagant like a ball gown but it wasn't casual either. It was a simple black mini dress, thin straps. I wasn't sure if I could pull it off.

Luckily, all I had to do was slip it on and shift it slightly to straighten it. Since I had no mirror, I couldn't say how I looked. When I opened my door I saw a pair of black heels on the floor. As carefully as I could I put the shoes on before returning to the living.

Kavin was gone and it was only MJ now. When he heard me his head snapped in my direction. His eyes went up and down my body, his throat bobbing. He held his hand out to me and I took it.

When we stopped in front of his motorcycle, he grabbed my hips.

"You look gorgeous princess."


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