19. promise

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"I promise I'm thinking of you"

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"I promise I'm thinking of you"

"I promise I'm thinking of you"

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Well, that was awkward.

I quickly gazed around and everyone had been left shocked. Roselyn looked absolutely livid and whispered something to one of the guards before storming inside. MJ and Kavin were both staring into the distance where their friends disappeared. Tia had muttered under breath, something about not catching a break, then made her way to the steps of the house. Kavin came over, throwing his arm across my shoulder making me stiffen. I know that he didn't mean anything by it but it make me uneasy.

MJ pulled his arm off and replaced it with his own. 

"Well that's a first." 

Kavin shook his head, crossing his arms. There must of been a look on my face because he just laughed. MJ smacked him on the head, "You're annoying."

"Thank you."

MJ's hand rested on my shoulder, "Well, we'll be going now."

Before Kavin could get in another word, he was leading me away from the mansion of a home. I tried not to trip in the grass while looking down at my feet. 

"Are you taking me home now?"

He looked down at her, "Is that what you want?"

I didn't even have to think for a second and shook my head. Truly, if I had the option then I would never go back home again. But I had nowhere else to go. He booped me on the nose before bending down in front of me, which caused me to stumble a little. 

"What are you doing?"

He looked up over his shoulder, "I'm going to carry you."

My face heated, he really needs to stop using that nickname.

"I can walk myself."

His eyes looked at my feet then returned to my face, "You've been looking at your feet the whole time, now come on."

MJ returned his gaze in front of him, waiting. I started to wrap my arms around his neck but stopped.

"Don't be shy princess."

I gulped, "If I get on will you stop calling me that?"

He nodded and signaled for me to get on. Carefully, I wrapped my arms around him and his hands looped around my legs. Standing up, MJ resumed walking and I held on tighter afraid to fall. Letting out a laugh, he shook his head.


There was a hint of a smile on his face, "You act as if I plan to drop you."

"No I don't."

He tilted his head, "Then why are you death gripping me?"

Was I really holding on that tight? I loosened my grip slightly.

"One might think you were trying to kill me."

I looked away not wanting to be part of this conversation, flustered. It went silent for a few minutes, luring me into a tiredness. I blinked trying to keep my eyes open, I didn't want to fall asleep. But the steady rhythm of MJ walking was only making me more sleepy. Before I knew it, the world went dark.

I scrunched my nose, waving my hand in front of my face at whatever was tickling me. It kept happening until finally, I opened my eyes, it was MJ. Looking around, we were in some sort of maze area.

"Where are we?"

He sat down the rose that he had miraculously retrieved from the towering rose-bush wall.

"In a maze, I can't tell you exactly where though."

My brows furrowed, "Why not?"

MJ averted his gaze from mine, "It's complicated."

"What is?"

He took a deep breath, "We're sort of, possibly, maybe, in my enemies territory right now."

MJ flicked his gaze to me and away again.

"What do you mean enemies territory?"

Did this have something to do with the rumors of him being in the mafia? My eyes widened, were we in an enemy mafia's territory?

"I uh..."

"Are you saying you intentionally brought me into a mafia's territory? One that isn't even yours?"

I stood up, turning my back to him. My heart rate had picked up thinking of all the possibilities that could happen. Almost none of them were good. MJ grabbed my hand spinning toward him.

"I would never intentionally bring you here, Kavin had taken my motorcycle and the car was gone. It's beyond me how he even got to the motorcycle first or to my keys. I'm complete idiot, walking through this area is something I never do, would never do. I brought you in here until Kavin or Ren gets here. This is one of the areas CCTV can't capture."

I turned my head, not satisfied.

"How could you not realize where we were then?"

My gaze slid to him and he was actually blushing, "I'm an idiot that's why."

I fully faced him, "Really?"

"Fine, I was too busy looking at you. Happy?" MJ quickly looked away.

I couldn't help but smile at the action, he was acting like he was the shy one.

"So you didn't intend to bring me here?"

Now he was back to being serious, "I would never."

I held out my pinky, "Promise me."

"Promise you what exactly?"

"Promise this won't happen again then maybe I'll forgive you."

He held out his pinky, "I promise that this won't happen again and that no one will bring harm to you, if you will forgive me. No maybes."

I pretended like I was contemplating it, he looked nervous. Then I wrapped my pinky around his, "You can't break it."

"Never." MJ grinned before grabbing my waist and pulled me against him.

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