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"imperfect & human, are we?"

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"imperfect & human, are we?"

Running into the cafe, I didn't greet my coworkers as I rushed into the girls locker room

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Running into the cafe, I didn't greet my coworkers as I rushed into the girls locker room. I quickly, yet clumsily opened my locker and grabbed my uniform, throwing my backpack inside. I hurried into the employee changing room and got into my uniform. Tossing my clothes inside the locker, I slammed it shut. 

Shoving my phone into my pocket, I left the locker room area.

"It's about time Ila!" My coworker and close friend, Kanya shouted.

I gave a sheepish grin and made my way behind the counter. Kanya looked at me curiously, studying my face intensely.

"So, why were you so late?" 

I mentally screamed because I truly didn't want to get into it. I did not want to explain the entire F4 red card situation. Though I knew I wouldn't be able to keep the secret from her for long, now was not the time to tell her. If I told her right now then she wouldn't be able to focus on work and would just be talking to me about it, asking me if I'm alright. While I loved her for caring about me, it wasn't something I wanted to discuss.

Emotional talks were not my forte and I truly didn't want to make her worried, even slightly.

"Nothing, it was just a rough day." I truly hope that she would accept that answer. And thankfully, she did.

We both went quiet for a while as we worked, other then the occasional grab this or grab that or taking a customer's order. After a few hours, work had begun to slow and the cafe became pretty much empty. I looked at the clock, it wasn't even near closing time and it was already dead here. Working at the cafe was my favorite part of the day, as I get to spend time with my best friend. But I also get away from my awful foster parents. I remember when I was getting adopted; I was so excited but when I became older, they started to try me horribly. Yet, I can't do anything about it because I needed a place to live. 

I pulled out my phone and decided to pull up my favorite book to pass the time. Though I had only gotten a few pages in when the door chimed, alerting that new customers had walked in. Figuring Kanya would take their order, so I kept my back turned and continued to read.

"Excuse me." 

My eyes flicked up to the coffee maker in front of me after they spoke. Why did that voice sound so familiar to me? More importantly, why the heck is Kanya? She would always greet and take the customers orders. I always dreaded when I had to do it. Kanya is way more social then me, so it was usually her. Slowly, I put my phone back in my pocket and turned around.

It wasn't until my gaze lifted that I knew where the familiar voice came from. Immediately I looked down, admittedly a little scared. Though I had all right to be terrified in this moment. The customers were none other than F4 themselves. Although, I was more afraid of Thyme than the others. Why on earth did they have to come to the cafe that I work at?

"Are you gonna take our orders or not?" The words came out harshly from Thyme, causing me to flinch.

"Thyme." It was Ren speaking that time. 

They were customers, I had to serve them. It didn't matter if one of them had given the entire school the right to bully me. My hands were shaking as I reached to bring the order machine back to life. 

I stuttered as I asked for their order, "W-what would you like?"

Thyme slammed his hands down on the counter and leaned forward, resulting in me taking a step back and swallowing out of fear. He truly was a menace anywhere he went in Thailand. Just then he started to climb over the counter. I moved backward until I hit the counter opposite the order and cash register machine. What was he trying to do? I was truly terrified that he was going to hurt me.

My eyes were wide as I watched him raise a hand up before squeezing my eyes shut. I was waiting for the impact but it didn't come.


Slowly, I opened my eyes to see MJ standing in front of me and holding onto Thyme's wrist. Why had he stopped him from hitting me? However, I was thankful he did stop him. MJ was breathing heavily, his hand tight around Thyme's wrist. How did he get over here so quickly? Thyme looked pissed and was now glaring at MJ.

"Why the hell did you stop me?" 

I watched as MJ finally threw Thyme's arm down, Ren and Kavin reaching forward to grab his shoulders.

"Because you've gone too far," MJ seemed like he was on the verge of shouting. Still standing in front of me, he crossed his arms. "She's just a girl."

So he was helping me simply because I'm not a guy? I mean that was kinda of attractive, but that meant if I was a guy he wouldn't help.

Kavin agreed, "Thyme, you've taken the game too far."

Thyme let out a scoff, "Too far? No, you helping the red card is too far."

Ren was quiet for a long moment before he decided to chime in. "Thyme, let's just go. Can we at least no disturb their work place?"

Kanya! How could I forget? I glanced over and saw her staring wide-eyed at the scene before her. Well, I guess now that I would have to tell her about the earlier events. Eventually, Ren and Kavin got Thyme out of the cafe, pulling him by the shirt. But MJ didn't follow after them, he stayed in front of me.

I eased up a little knowing that Thyme and the others were gone, mainly Thyme.

Looking at Kanya, I gave a small gesture to her that it was okay to come over there. She looked skeptical, as her eyes darted between MJ and I. But before she could get a word in, MJ turned around and looked at me.

"We should talk."


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