4. tattoos

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"every tattoo's so intoxicating"

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"every tattoo's so intoxicating"

MJ gently pulled me by the wrist and led me out of the cafe

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MJ gently pulled me by the wrist and led me out of the cafe. For some reason, I felt like this was the most cautious that he's ever been. At least, from seeing how he was at school and just now to Thyme. We came to a stop in the small alleyway between the cafe and a little instrument shop. My heart was pattering against my chest as my eyes were trained on his hand on my wrist.

He slowly let go of my hand, dropping his arm to his side. It was quiet for a moment before he started to speak.

"Are you alright?"

Well that took me by surprise. MJ was asking me if I was alright? But that surely couldn't be what he wanted to talk to me about. I wanted to give him an answer, but honestly I wasn't exactly certain how I was feeling. My emotions were one big jumbled mess of conflict. I guess I took too long to answer because he reached out and poked my cheek. My face flushed and I took a step back.

I didn't like the way he was making me feel. He's supposed to be someone that I'm terrified of, not someone to have a crush on, no matter how attractive he was.

"Why won't you speak?"

I shrugged in response while keeping my eyes on his feet. I saw his feet move forward slightly, until I was suddenly up against the brick wall. He brought hand to my chin, lifting it to look at my face, but I averted my gaze.

"Am I that scary?"

I raised my shoulders, looking for an escape but his one arm was trapping me in while the other still held my chin. He let out a sigh and let his hand collide with the brick behind me.

"I hate that you won't look at me."

My fingers dug into my hands, which I could feel drawing up a little bit of blood. I wanted to cover my face with my hands but something told me that he would stop me, or in the very least remove my hands right after. The beating of my heart significantly increased when I felt his warm breath hit my cheek. I didn't even need to see just how red my face was; I could feel it.

"You're blushing." The tone in his voice was teasing.

I shook my head and looked down the alleyway. MJ let out a small laugh and poked my cheek again. To both our surprise, I batted his hand away from my face. I instantly regretted that because I enjoyed the warmth of his hand, but I was also worried it would make him mad. He grabbed both of my hands and pinned them up above my head. I stared at him wide-eyed before looking to the ground. He had to be pissed off.

"Just look at me princess."

My heart almost stopped beating from that. Did he just call me princess? No, no, I must have heard him wrong. There is no way that he would ever call me princess.

"Do you not like it?"

Did I not like what? My brows stitched together out of confusion as I slowly looked up at him. But I didn't say a single thing and waited for him to elaborate.

MJ had a small grin on his face, "How about darling or kitten," He paused for a moment, "Mmm?"

That had only made my confusion worse. What was he even talking about, the nickname? But I hadn't even said anything yet. Did I? He removed one hand from my wrists, keeping the other holding them up against the wall. MJ brushed a hair behind my ear and leaned forward.

"You talk aloud more then you realize, " He leaned in close, next to my ear, "Princess."

My breath hitched and I looked anywhere else but him. Inside my stomach felt very strange, a strange that I was kind of liking. I felt his mouth brush against the skin of my neck causing me to let out a shaky breath. MJ turned my head to the side and slowly placed a kiss against my neck. My toes curled inside my shoes, my heart beating rapidly.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I suddenly felt a hand on my waist and another one gently under my chin. I was caught off guard and didn't know what was happening at first, but the sensation was thrilling. His eyes landed on my lips before flicking back up to my eyes, I bit my lower lip out of nervousness. Was he going to kiss me?

MJ leaned closer, placing his forehead against mine. I thought I was about to faint from the proximity. He brushed his thumb against my lip, "Can I?"

His gaze remained on my mouth as he asked the question. I truly couldn't fathom it, was F4's MJ actually asking for permission to kiss me? A small smile formed on his lips, "I am."

I closed my eyes and mentally face-palmed; I cannot believe that I had actually just said that out loud. That habit needed to stop now. But regardless, my eyes still shut, I slowly nodded in response to his question. Why had I said yes? Well, a part of me wasn't really sure but every inch of my body was telling me to go for it.

His hands grabbed onto my waist and pulled me against him. I could feel him lean in as his breath became warmer. Though, I wan't sure what to do because I haven't actually kissed anyone yet, embarrassing I know. Before I could count to three his lips were pressed against mine. The insides of my stomach exploded in response to this new feeling he was giving me.

My hands were resting against his chest from when he pulled me in. Hesitantly, I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. In response, MJ pulled me closer if that was even possible. He moved forward, pressing me back up against the wall not breaking the kiss.

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