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"was I meant to feel happy that my life, was just about to change?"

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"was I meant to feel happy that my life, was just about to change?"

I quickly walked to my desk in the front of the classroom and felt everyone's stares on me, including the glare of the teacher

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I quickly walked to my desk in the front of the classroom and felt everyone's stares on me, including the glare of the teacher. She was mad that I knew as soon as I knocked on the door. But the look she gave me when seeing my entire uniform was drenched in fake blood. As I sat down the mixture of corn syrup, dish soap, and food coloring practically squished against the plastic chair. It was sticking to all of my clothes and I hoped it wouldn't stain my uniform, I couldn't afford it.

Unlike my other classmates, I only had one uniform, without a backup. My parents, barely allowing me to attend this school, wouldn't let me have two uniforms. They couldn't afford another one anyways. This situation was partly why I took a job at the cafe, aiming to buy another uniform and save up to distance myself from them. Living at home with them mentally and physically drained me.

As the teacher continued with the lesson, I did my best to focus on what she was writing on the board. But the stickiest of the fake blood was too distracting and I was surprised that it was distracting for the teacher. Though, maybe that was for the best. Distracting even the teacher was not something that I wanted to do, I didn't want others to do poorly because the teacher couldn't do her job. Even if the other students were targeting me right now, I didn't want to ruin their entire lives. The concept and idea of karma was something that I strongly believed in, treating people how you wanted to be treated. I would always abide by that.

Usually, I would be taking notes right now—but I didn't want to risk staining my notes. Already, I have already almost completely ruined my only backpack. So I hoped that I would be able to remember everything that she had taught me to be able to write it down later.

School had finally let out and that meant that I needed to leave quickly. I really did not want to run into anyone before work. Luckily, there was a shower in the changing room so I could make myself look presentable for work. Clutching my bag in my hand, I slowly peaked out of the bathroom. Taking a deep breath, in hopes to stay calm, I exited the bathroom. I had purposely asked to use the restroom right before class ended, claiming that it was because of my period which I was not on. But how else was I supposed to leave class early to avoid the others? It was also ironic that I happened to be covered in fake blood.

I don't think I've ever been this nervous before. It feels worse than the usual stress that I experience after my shift at the cafe when I have to go home. The insides of my stomach felt like they were going to explode. It was like they were twisting and turning and I hated it. This was the worst feeling one could possibly have in their stomach. It was actually like I truly was on my period. Putting my free hand on my stomach, I applied pressure on it like it would make the zoo inside my stomach go away or at least be a distraction from it. If I was being honest it was not really helping my nerves—if anything, it was only making it worse.

In the back of my mind, I wondered where MJ currently was but being seen with him wouldn't end up well. Even just being with him wasn't a good idea. He may not agree with what Thyme is doing, but he was still one of his close friends. Maybe if we knew each other in a different life it could have worked out, but I honestly doubted that. In another life, he could be friends with the same people just with different names. Though, maybe in that life I wouldn't be one to accidentally talk out loud.

I was so close to getting out of the school unscathed but a hand suddenly grabbed onto my wrist harshly. Instantly, I knew that I wouldn't be making it to work on time. I swallowed and let myself be dragged to my imminent demise. It would be a giant lie if I said I wasn't scared. I've heard all the horror stories of others that were given the red card for simply bumping into Thyme. I thought that I was going to be dragged into the run-down stadium but we weren't even close to it. Where were they taking me and why haven't they even berated me with coarse words?

Before I knew it, I was thrown down to the ground. I winced as my knees made contact with the hard flooring.

"Oh shut up."

My entire body froze, I knew that voice. It was Thyme, but why have I been brought here? Thyme loved to make a spectacle of his red card victims, so why wasn't he doing so now?

"Thyme, are you really going to still treat her like this?" It was Kavin who questioned him, while gesturing his hand towards me.

Thyme however, did not even seem to be fazed and crossed his arms with a bored look. "I'll treat her however I want."

"Even after what you just found out?"

My brows furrowed, what did he mean by that? What had they found out, was it about MJ and I earlier this morning? But no one had even noticed going in or exit that room, at least that's what I had assumed. I wanted to ask what Kavin was talking about, but I didn't want to risk pissing Thyme off more than he usually was almost daily. Instead I bit the inside of my cheek.

Ren spoke up from where he sat in the room, "Tell her Thyme."

Ren's tone had made me that much more anxious, what did he want me to be told? Thyme let out a groan and popped his knuckles out in front of him. I returned my gaze onto the floor, nervous. His voice was monotone when he spoke, "You're my sister."


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