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"come for me like a savior"

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"come for me like a savior"

Everyone had evacuated the stadium

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Everyone had evacuated the stadium. Well, except for Gorya, myself, MJ and Kavin. I was still in the lurched position, mainly keeping my focus on the ground. Gorya was the first one to get to her feet, but I didn't. I was too in shock to want to move—to do anything.

"Well, I'm leaving." Gorya stated matter-of-factly and turned away. Then Kavin also turned away and left. So now, it was just me and MJ in the stadium. Neither of us had said a word for a long moment, it was complete silence.

"You can get up now." His voice wasn't as harsh as it had been earlier, which put her at a slight ease. Instead of getting up, I put myself into a more comfortable sitting position. Now that everyone had gone, I didn't know why I wasn't getting up.

MJ sighed and reached his hand out. I simply stared at the palm of his hand for a long moment before taking it. He helped me to my feet but didn't let go. I couldn't help but notice his skin was warm to the touch, it felt nice. Without a word, he guided me to the couch he usually sits on.

Still holding my hand, he sat and guided me to sit down beside him. Nervously, I sat and looked down at my knees. They were bleeding, alot and I didn't even notice it until now. Most of my attention had been on those around me and now, it was on MJ. Especially on the hand that had a hold of my own. Why had he stayed to help me? Suddenly, MJ had let go of my hand and pulled my legs up by my feet. I was baffled.

"What are you—."

All my words stopped when he sat my legs across his lap, carefully lifting the hem of my uniform skirt. Then I realized what he was doing—he was looking at my bleeding knees. I didn't say anything else as his eyes were trained on the scraps.

This honestly felt very awkward, unusual even. Why was he so focused on my injuries? I didn't want to say anything to make it weirder than it already was, but I wasn't very comfortable. Though, surprisingly the leather couch was very comfortable despite it always being outside. Funny how my body was comfortable against the surface—yet, I was far from it.

I forced my attention to be anywhere else but him. Which was oddly very difficult, it was hard not to be focused on the warmth radiating from his hands. My gaze was glued to the old bleachers but my head was swirling with weird thoughts. The insides of my stomach honestly felt like a farm of butterflies, but I didn't think it was the good kind.

After all, I shouldn't be feeling like this, especially towards an F4 member. I barely knew anything about them, obviously besides their names and what they look like. Though, it was really only Thyme that had the biggest and worst reputation. There wasn't too much said about the others besides how hot and rich they are. I wouldn't say they're hot though, well... MJ was pretty attractive. The others were good-looking too but not hot. At least in my opinion.

My eyes snapped away from the rusted metal railings when a cough broke the silence. It was Kavin, he seemed to be perplexed by the entire situation. Immediately, I stood up and started to leave. Neither of them tried to stop me. I finally made it out by the stadium entrance and took a deep breath.

Now that I had the red card, my life was going to become a lot more difficult. But seeing how Gorya stood up to Thyme, it gave me a little bit of courage to fight back. I would do my best to not let them bully me out of the school. Even though I wasn't right inside the stadium anymore—I could hear Kavin and MJ's voices echoing from here.

It sounded like they were arguing, but at the same time it was hard to tell. I could only hear a few words every now and then, "Out of control."

What was out of control, Thyme? Their horrible red card game? Probably both.

"Why'd you—," This was getting on my nerves, why was it like I was listening to a static radio? The last word I caught was her, though I wasn't sure which person it came from.

Looking at the time, my eyes went wide. This day just couldn't get any worse, I'm going to be late for work. I shoved my phone in the side pocket of my backpack and started sprinting. If I was late today, there was a possibility that I would be fired and I couldn't have that happen. I needed this job.

It was a good thing that I had my clothes in a locker at work or else this would be even worse.

It was a good thing that I had my clothes in a locker at work or else this would be even worse

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a/n  sorry the chapter is short! it just seemed like a good place to end it!

two red cards | F4 Thailand : MJWhere stories live. Discover now