15. bad idea

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"I've got a lot of sins, but you're my favorite"

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"I've got a lot of sins, but you're my favorite"

MJ parked his motorcycle by the sidewalk near the cafe and turned off the engine

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MJ parked his motorcycle by the sidewalk near the cafe and turned off the engine. He didn't know where I lived so it made sense to bring me here instead. The cafe was closed by now, Kanya gone. I felt awful about not being there to help her. I wonder if he would just leave me here but I don't think he would.

Standing up, MJ unhooked the helmet straps and placed it on one of the handles. He held my hand as I got off the bike, it was quite obvious that it had frazzled me a little bit.

"Did I go too fast?" He didn't let go of my hand and led me down the street.

I shook my head, "No."

He really didn't go as fast as he was probably used to. When he told me that he wouldn't be reckless—he really wasn't. After a few minutes of walking, he stopped at a small beach. The no-trespassing sign stood out to me and I stared at him. Surely, he wouldn't start being so reckless now? MJ seemed to notice where my eyes were looking.

"It's my family's, don't worry." He grabbed onto my waist.

"So what are we doing here?" My voice was quiet, him being so close had me flustered.

MJ leaned in, whispering, "To finish what I started earlier."

My fingers fidgeted at the hem off my skirt, reminding me of all the fake blood. The water that met the sand was looking very appealing right about now. MJ was in a new outfit, but it was now covered in a bit of the syrupy substance from touching me.


He nodded and tightened his hold. I looked away, not in an attempt to play dumb but because I wasn't sure what he wanted to finish. Did he just want to kiss me and move on? MJ grinned and swiftly picked me up, startling me. My hands wrapped around his neck quickly, not wanting to fall. His strides were long and quick, the sound of the rippling water got closer. Before I could even ask, water hit my ankles and soon we were both submerged. The ends of my hair touched the water, MJ not loosening his grip.

"Why'd you—"

My voice was silenced by the press of his mouth. How did he always manage to surprise me in one way or another? I held onto his neck and returned the kiss. His tongue grazed my bottom lip, causing my mouth to part slightly but enough for him to enter it. If it wasn't dark outside, I would have felt too conscious of our surroundings and worried if there was someone else around. MJ hoisted me up slightly, his hands now holding beneath my thighs.

My hands found their way to his hair and I pulled the hair tie away, sliding it on my wrist before tangling my fingers in his dark hair. His hair was even softer than my own. It was like we were the only two people in the world and it felt so good. All my worries in that moment dissolved into nothing, as all I cared about was this moment.

MJ continued to kiss me as he walked out of the water. He gently got onto his knees and laid me down, now hovering above me. Brushing a hair from my face, he spoke, "You're dangerous, princess."

My brows knotted, "Me?"

He nodded, "You make me want to do sinful things."

I swallowed, catching on to what he meant.

MJ planted a kiss on my jaw, "But I won't, not yet."


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