' truth or dare '

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Wednesday's pov ::

How the fuck did I end up here.

I met y/n's gaze where I sat, across from her, next to Xavier and Enid in the small circle that we had created on the floor to mine and Enid's dorm. The raven's had just come to an end, and I was still drenched in the "blood" that sprinkled over the dancefloor for about an hour ago. Y/n's hair was wet. She decided to shower before dragging me into this game. Truth or dare as the students at nevermore called it. It's a game without violence, and I've never had a thing for those. I prefer violence over everything.


Y/n grinned widely, before reaching for the bottle in the middle of the circle to spin it. I watched intensely as it slowed down after spinning in a incredible pace, and felt every bit of oxygen run out when it landed on Enid.

I am well aware of Enid's crush on y/n, she's talked about her since the minute she joined the school. It wouldn've have been a problem, if the case weren't that we share the same interest in the fairytale.

I watched as Enid got more and more nervous, as she got eye contact with y/n, who broke our eye contact, to give it to Enid instead. This is one of these moments where I want her to suffer. Enid is my friend. But I'd choose y/n over her anytime. And I do not approve my best friend stealing my girl from me.

"So, Enid. Truth or Dare?"
Enid's gaze flinched from y/n's eyes to gather herself, before replying:

Y/n smirked before taking a pause. After a moment, she continued:
"Do you have a crush on anyone here, in the room?"

Y/n's eyes met mine while she asked, not Enid's and another smirk decorated her plump lips. I looked away for a minute, she made me nervous. No one ever succeed to make me nervous before.

"Yes, I have."
Enid's reply got everyone's attention, and every single head turned to y/n.

"All right. Interesting."
She deadpanned, before nodding at the bottle.
"Who want to spin?"

She asked, and Yoko was quick to raise her hand. Y/n gave a nod as permission, and Yoko reached for the glass bottle. She watched it spin with a grin, before it started to slow down.

And then it stopped.
on y/n. The bottle stopped at y/n.

(part 2?)

𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐎𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐚 // 𝙸𝙼𝙰𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚂Where stories live. Discover now