' dinner '

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y/n's pov ::

I had to run to the uber to not be too late, since my boss held me kind of hostage for fifteen minutes more than he should. I get off work at 5 PM, and it was nearly 5:20 PM when I finally opened the doors to freedom, and hurried towards the car that waited for me. I excused my late arrival and said my name and my destination before hopping in in the backseat. I don't feel comfortable sitting next to a stranger in a car. I feel safer behind them. I don't know why. I sighed in relief, thinking about the stressful day that I had to go through, and of poor Jenna, who was home due to a harsh stomach cramp. It was her week, and her cramps usually became very painful. The guilt of not being able to stay home and take care of her had creeped over my shoulder over the past three days while recieving messages from my girlfriend saying that she missed me.

I let out a deeper sigh, as I suddenly got the urge of wanting to cry, but I slapped away the feeling. I was in an uber with a complete stranger after all.
"Is there anything bothering you?"
Speaking of the witch.

I looked up and gave the uber driver a small smile, before replying:
"Oh, no no, I just had a tough day at work, that's all. I just need to get home to my girlfriend and then it'll all be all right."
The mention of me having a girlfriend suddenly calmed the man in the front seat down, and I muttred inaudible things to myself as I typed in a message to Jenna:


I'm almost at home honey. You all right? 💞
<- 5:27 PM

actually I am!! But please hurry
-> 5:27 PM

I'm doing my best. Keep in mind that I'm in an uber though. Love you 💕
<- 5:28 PM

Love you more ❤️
-> 5:28 PM

I smiled at the screen as Jenna answered my messages and read as soon as I sent them. My lovely girl, where had she been my entire life? I took a quick glance out from the window, and noticed that I was getting close to Jenna's house, and told the driver to stop the car just outside of the house. I hopped out of the car and hurried to pay, before I ran up to the door and opened it, getting greeted by a oddly overexcited Jenna Ortega, who put her perfect arms around my neck and kissed my lips. I could feel her giggle into my mouth as she deepened the kiss a little. I ran my hand through her perfect hair and pulled away, before kissing her forehead.
"oh hello there"
I smirked, receiving a giggle from my girl, who instantly grabbed my hand and led me to the living room and kitchen.

I gasped when I saw what I saw. The kitchen were pretty messy after Jenna being in there, as she was not the best at tidying after herself, but it was not an issue, since newly cooked food were put on the table, along with two glasses of wine and a netflix series.

I turned around and put my hands on her waist, and looked into her sparkling eyes.
"Did you do all this.. for me?"
I asked, wanting to cry over how wholesome and caring she was. I thought of how she had cooked dinner for me with period cramps and put it all on the table all by herself, after being alone the whole day. I kissed her again, grabbing her cheek and stroking it slowly with my thumb, as Jenna gasped a little bit, but hugged me around the neck. She pulled me even closer, and I pressed her against me to show her how thankful I was. She giggled as I stroke her over her cheek and back, which made my heart melt. She was the sweetest human ever.

"Should we eat? We don't want a cold meal, do we?"
Jenna said as we pulled away, and I nodded happily as we went to wash our hands before sitting down in front of the TV. Jenna had cooked a pasta bolgonese, with a little bit of cheese on top. My favourite. She turned on my favourite series and I grabbed her hand and watched her getting sucked into the screen faster than me. I admired her side profile and everything about her face, as she took a bite of her food.
"You are so gorgeous, my love. Did you know that?"
My girlfriend turned to look at me with a deep blush on her cheeks. I reached out and stroke her by the hair as she leaned in to kiss me lightly. Even though it wasn't long I enjoyed every second of it. She smiled, and locked eyes with me as she pulled away.
"I fell in love with the right woman. That's what I'll tell you. I love you so so so much."
I kissed her cheek, smiling bigger than I ever had before.
"I love you more."
I said softly.
Jenna giggled, and took another bite of her pasta before looking at me again.
"Mmmm, this is REALLY good. Don't you think?"
She said, cheering herself up. She was visibly proud of her cooking job, and so was I.
"Favourite pasta made by my favourite person ever."
I said, and wrapped my fingers into hers. When we had finished eating our food, I could feel Jenna getting closer to me, as she put a blanket over us and snuggled into me. I stroke her over her back and kissed her forehead, as she watched the series with me. I could feel her relaxing in my arms more and more, and just when she was about to fall asleep, she leaned up and pecked my lips. We both closed our eyes at our mouths synced and I smiled widely.

"goodnight, love"
I whispered, as Jenna fell asleep on my lap. Poor baby.
"Goodnight, baby."
She replied with a sleepy tone, as she closed her eyes, and let her calm breaths turn into snores.

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