' sleepover '

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y/n's pov ::

I reached for the salad, being more hungry than ever as I scooped up more salad than ever on my plate. I felt happy, thinking about the interactions I've had with the cast today. I got to film one of the final scenes in scream 6, including Jenna Ortega and some other from the cast that I didn't really pay as much attention to. I had actually shared a very nice conversation with the shorter brunette earlier this day, and I couldn't have been more thrilled.

I was just about to go get a table in the dining hall, when a smaller hand grapped my wrist as I looked up to face... Jenna Ortega. Okay, I do have a little, or, not so little, crush on the actress, but I am pretty sure that my admiration towards her is secret. At least for now. I am pretty good at hiding my feelings. Which can be a strenght but also a weakness. In this moment, it was definately a weakness.

"Hey!! I remember you from set today. Y/n, is it?"
I nodded slowly, since I was in an absolute trance over the shorter girl's appearance.
"Me and some of the cast are coming to my apartment later to throw a little sleepover. Would you like to stick around?"
She surprisingly asked, as I gasped lightly at her very kind, and fluttering offer. It took me a while to answer, since the blush on my cheeks took it's time to cool down.
"that'd be so cool!! You've got my number, right?"
I replied, earning a nod from Jenna. I sent her a soft smile, before picking up my tray once again, heading to the table where my cameramen-buds were already sat.

"Oh yeah, I'll see you later!!"
She grinned, before hurrying after her small friend group who was leaving for their sets.

— Time Skip —

My heart felt like it was about to beat its way out from my chest as I rang the doorbell of Jenna Ortega's apartment. The wine bottle in my hands had became a bit wet as my palm sweat had left marks on it. Ew.

I hurried to fix my skirt, making sure that I would look extra pretty for Jenna when she opened the door. And so she did. My smile faded for a moment when I saw her. Not in a bad way, no. In admiration. Her brown hair was put up in a high ponytail, and her black costume pants matched her crop top so well along with her hair and makeup. Her appearance and cute little:
"Hi, come in!!"
Made my heart flutter, before I finally came to my right senses, and spoke up:
"Hello! Thank you, Jenna."
She smiled politely as I took of my jacket and hung it on a hook next to the front door.
"The others are already here, by the way!"
She exclaimed, pulling my by my hand into the living room, where half the crew was sat in the couch, probably waiting for me as their faces lit up at the sight of me.

I waved and smiled shyly at them all, before they pulled up a lot of different snacks, shouting for me to sit down while laughing like crazy. I love their company more than ever. I feel so comfortable around them, even though we don't even share the same job. They act, I film. That's kind of the deal.

I sat down with them, laughing at the jokes they were pulling literally all the time about anything that crossed their mind. I listened carefully to their funny and intruiging stroys as we chewed on candy, cheeseballs and crisps, until we all got tired. But mostly Jenna, who seemed to be having a trouble staying awake.

"Y/n, could you please get Jenna to bed? She's having early scenes tomorrow and she has to be prepared."
Melissa suddenly spoke, and tapped my shoulder. I shrugged and smiled at her, immediately replying:
"Of course!"
Before nudging the short brunette next to me, saying:
"Are you ready to go to sleep?"

Jenna groaned as she turned to face me, before reaching out her arms against me, giving me access to pick her up, as she wrapped her legs around my waist, probably to make it easier for me to carry her. I laid her down in bed, before making it out to my bag to grab my hairbrush, brushing my tangles out. Then I went back to check in on Jenna, who was already asleep. I smiled at the sight, before slowly turning around to leave the room.

"Can you stay?"
Jenna's whispering voice made me flinch, as I turned around, once again. I looked at her with a confused expression on my face.
She added, making me look her straight into the eyes. I could never in a million lifetimes say no to those.

"All right. I'll take the sofa."
I said softly, before turning towards the door.
"No, please. Bed."
She whined, turning around in bed to make herself more comfortable. I hesitated for a second, before approaching her bed, burying myself under her duvet.

And that's where I could feel her body moving closer to me, as she buried her face in my neck.
"Is this okay?"
She whispered, sneaking her arms around my waist. I chuckled before nodding, stroking her by the hair to make her fall asleep faster, and so she did. Her snores took over the room, which I only found cute, as I wrapped my arms tighter around her body.

𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐎𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐚 // 𝙸𝙼𝙰𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚂Where stories live. Discover now