' interviewing her '

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Y/n's pov ::

I hurried to gather my things as I nervously blew a strain of hair from my glossy forehead. The sleeves on my shirt were slightly rolled up due to having to stretch my arms to grab my bags over and over again. I always tend to forget to pack things when I'm working late. Probably because of the all-day meetings I have to attend at noon before the fun part.

When I finally realised that I had everything (and of course double checked it once again), I took a quick glance at my outfit in the mirror to make sure that everything was on point before I put my shoes on and struggled to get the key card from my pocket, before I locked the hotel room. These stupid doors can't lock themselves apparently.

I groaned for myself as I carried my two pretty heavy bags filled with microphones and cameras. The questions that I was supposed to ask the cast flew through my head and I almost fell due to the distractions. An apologetic smile appeared on my lips as I almost dropped one of my bag on a passing lady, but disappeared as soon as she had ran by.

I couldn't help to feel ahamed that the taxi had to wait again. Like it always has to. I am pretty sure that the company will stop working with me soon. I'm always late, every fucking where.

Marcus sighed for himself as he saw me running towards the car with one bag in each hand.

"I am so so sorry, Marcus. Forgot the lenses, again."
Marcus laughed for himself as he took my bags and put them in the backseat.
"It's all right by now. You're here aren't you?"

I smiled warmly and sat down in the passenger seat. The car smelled like vanilla, like usual, and I inhaled the scent as if my life depended on it.

I pulled out my phone from my handbag and went onto instagram, quite desperate to check on Jenna's story. I actually can't believe it, me, y/n y/l/n, was actually about to interview the Jenna Ortega!! The Butterflies errupting in my stomach took over as I squaled for myself. This was going to be amazing.

— Time Skip —

"omg y/n!! What are you doing here?!"
A familiar voice shouted as I unpacked my stuff on the paparazzi area. I turned around with a smile and met y/bsf/n eyes. I immediately dropped all of my stuff and threw myself in her arms. It had been weeks since I've seen her. She's been working on a project in Paris and didn't have time for her original job here in New York with her best friend. Ever since we first met on the work interview we've been like glued together. I love her like she's my own sister.

I exclaimed in the crook of her neck as she put me down. She giggled at the sight of my excitement and jokingly patted my back.

"It's nice to know that you still love me. Who are you interviewing?"
I smiled at the nostalgia to the question. We have asked eachother that since our first job that we shared.

"I'm glad you asked!! I'll be on the left side which means that I'll be interviewing Jenna, Hunter and Joy! What about you?"
I could feel my own eyes glittering as I waited for her response.
"Oh, I'm on the front with P*rcy, Emma and Naomi! And honestly I don't know who got the other cast members."

I giggled at her tad bit offending joke as I nudged her shoulder. Y/bsf/n took a quick glance at her watch as a small gasp penetrated her lips.
"Oh shit!! I better get going. The cast will be here in half an hour and I still haven't unpacked. See ya!!"
She gave me a soft side hug before she jogged over to her own spot, leaving me to keep preparing the camera and manus papers. (You know, just in case)

When I was all done I double checked the questions again, just to make sure that I wouldn't mess anything up. The questions for Jenna were obviously slightly more important to remember than the others, since I especially didn't want to mess up in front of her. My tounge was stuck outside of my mouth, and I didn't realise until I knew every single one of Jenna's questions. A blush crept upon my face when I realised, embarassed of the facts that everybody probably saw. I've never been a fan of big groups of people. Wrong choice of work.

— Time Skip —

And there she was. Walking towards me with her gorgeous black dress who seemed to fit her perfectly. I had to FIGHT the saliva that was scarily close to running down the corner of my mouth when she stopped right in front of me.
Better not be taking too long.

"Hello, Jenna!! Wow, your dress is STUNNING!!"
I managed to get out, before Jenna giggled and took a cute little turn to show me the entire thing.

"Well, thank you. That's so sweet! I feel very comfortable in it!"
I smiled at her, and looked down at the questions that I was supposed to ask. In complete PANIC. Jenna waited patently with a smile on her lips, and kept her eyes on me all the time. This only made me more nervous as I stumbled on my next words:

"Did, uh, no— excuse me I-"
My voice shaked as I messed up. The shorter actress giggled at my mistake, but she didn't judge. Instead, she put her hand on mine before seeking my gaze with her own.
"Hey, are you nervous?"

No one's ever asked me that before. Whenever I mess up in front of celebrities, most of them don't care. Some actually gets annoyed.

"Yeah, actually. A little bit."
I responded, trying to gather myself as I  swallowed.
"There's absolutely no need to be nervous. I'll wait for you darling, all right?"
She let go of my hand as she realised what she was doing, but didn't regret any of her words. A slight shade of pink decorated her cheeks as I finally found the words to ask her the first question.

"So, I'll begin with the most asked questions for you to answer, since that's what the viewers been ranting about for MONTHS. The first question reads: 'would you ever date a fan?'"
Not gonna lie, I've always wanted to know the answer for this question too, since my celebrity crush on this woman has been going on since WAY before I started working as an interviewer, and being the one to ask her the question myself is really the cherry on top.

Jenna laughed nervously and grabbed the fence dividing the two of us. The smile stayed on as she looked me into my eyes.
"Hmmm.. actually, it depends."
She looked like she was considering her answer, before she spoke:
"Are you a fan?"

I felt weak to my knees as the woman in front of me basically flirted with me, as I leaned in closer to her face.
"Maybe I am. It's for you to find out."
Jenna smirked, before leaning in even closer.
"Oh trust me, I will."

I leaned back and tried to not freak out. Jenna seemed pretty unbothered by the situation, but I could see her dark red cheeks as she tried to hide them in her hands. I looked down at the paper and read out question two, as if nothing happened.
"Any crush that the fans don't know about?"
Oh, will they STOP with these romantic questions?!

"There might be one, yes.."

she's driving me CRAZY.

— Time Skip —

"And that was my last question. Enjoy the rest of the night!"
I smiled politely at Jenna, who winked back.
"It was a pleasure, gorgeous."

I stopped in the middle of a movement. What just happened again? I stood up quickly, since I had been bent down to pack my stuff, but was met by Ortega's back facing me, walking towards the rest of the cast. A squeal penetrated my lips before I closed my first bag. She actually flirted with me.

Part 2???

𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐎𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐚 // 𝙸𝙼𝙰𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚂Where stories live. Discover now