' interview '

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Jenna's pov ::

A proud smile decoured my lips as I saw my girlfriend, y/n, enter the stage on her first famous interview, Jimmy Fallon's.

The girl immediately noticed me in the audience as she walked out to the entrance music that were played, as she got the whole crowd standing up, applauding at her appearance. I gave her a small thumbs up as she grinned cutely towards me, earning a glance from Jimmy, who didn't say anything.

I'm glad that she's getting Jimmy Fallon as her first. I wouldn't like her to get placed in a chair in front of a rude, nosy interviewer who only sees celebrities as money, and not persons. She is safe here, and that's all I want her to be. Safe.

"y/n y/l/n!! What a pleasure to have you here tonight!"
Jimmy said, as y/n smiled and waved towards the audience, who were still slightly applauding for her. I smiled softly watching her, being there as a support.
"Oh it's a pleasure to be here!!"
Her voice lit up the room, and I crossed my legs as I put my elbow on it to be able to rest my head onto my palm. No one seemed to have noticed me as Jenna Ortega, which I was very happy about. The crowd would go insane, and we don't want that to happen. It's quite terrifying actually. It's happened once, and that is something that I do not want to experience again.

Jimmy smiled again, before asking his first question:
"So, about your character in the most recent scream movie, how much alike do you think that your personality are with Sarahs?"
Y/n looked like she was thinking, before she answered:
"in some ways yes, in other ways no. We are much alike in our energies. We have a lot of stamina because of our constant happiness, but we are bad to fend for ourselves. What we don't have alike is probably the athletics skills. I have no experience of soccer in real life."
She giggled as she made the whole audience laugh, and I laughed along. My girl.

The interview went on, until she was asked one last question:
"And as I've understood it, you have a confession to make?"
Y/n grinned before scrunching her nose at me, smiling slighty.

Me, Jimmy and y/n had made a deal to make mine and y/n's relationship official at his liveshow. It was me and y/n's suggestion from the start, but Fellon loved the idea, and came up with a script and plan that all three of us loved.

"That is right."
She spoke, and that's when I stood up, tripping over to the sofa where my girlfriend sat. When I had arrived in front of her, I bent down and kissed her lips softly.

The room went quiet.
Me and y/n looked at eachother, before I pecked her lips once again, before sitting down grabbing a microphone.
"Hi, Jenna Ortega !! Welcome to the stage!"
I nodded and smiled towards him, before giving the shocked audience a small wave and quickly grabbed y/n's hand for support.
"Baby I'm scared.."
Y/n whispered into my ear, and I quickly tilted the microphone away so that no one but us could take part of the conversation.
"Don't be, my love. I am here to protect you, and besides, we're in this together."
I sneaked a kiss onto her cheek, before letting Jimmy continue.

"So, do you two have anything to share with the audience?"
He smiled, as the audience held their breaths.
"Yeah, so.."
I began, giving my girlfriend's hand a squeeze.
"as you might already know, me and y/n have been working together for about two years now, and I think that we might have popped up in some of your instagram scrolls. We have been close friends for a good while, until about half a year ago, when this girl.."
She looked over to me and giggled.
"Started acting different around me. But not the bad different. The good. I've honestly had a crush on you for the past years, not having the guts to tell you that..."
She paused, before turning towards the audience.
"That I am in love with y/n y/l/n. We are in love, and we are finally dating."
I spoke, earning a kiss from my girl sitting next to me in the sofa. How I love her.

"I love you baby."
I said into the mic for everyone to hear. But she wasn't able to answer since the crowd was faster. Shouts and applauding covered any other sound that was made from both me, y/n and Jimmy. And they didn't stop.

The sound of clapping hands and whistling must've been going on for at least ten minutes before it calmed down, allowing y/n to finally speak:
"I love you too, Jenna."

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