' hospital '

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y/n's pov ::

When I got the call from my best friends sister (Samantha), I immediately dropped all of my things and ran to the car without hesitation. I knew that it would come back to Woodsboro, I've had it in mind since it ended last time. The mask from the last crime scene disappeared mysteriously, and some weeks after that, everything went quiet. I guess that the whole town felt it coming.

I pulled up to the hospitals parking lot and ran in to the information desk, literally shouting:
"Y/n y/l/n!!! I am here to visit Tara Carpenter!"
The woman behind the desk just gave me a suspecting face and turned around to give me one of those "visitor" necklace thingy. I can't find the right words for it.

She got up and hurried to the room where Tara was staying, as I ran in and right into my best friends arms.
"Y/n!! I never thought that you would come!"
She paused when she saw my questioning face.
"You know with all of your work and stuff!!"

I frowed, before replying:
"Babe, you kn—"
Everybody else in the room lifted an eyebrow as I gave her the pet name. Even Tara.

"Uh, okay.. we'll.. leave."
Amber giggled and brought the whole group with her to leave the room, as I stood as a literal living tomato in the middle of the room. I don't know why it became so sensitive right now, we would always call eachother stuff like "honey", "love", "babe" etc. But now it didn't land? I don't know.

"What was that all about?"
I asked her, sitting down on her bed next to her. And that's when she told me.

"Y/n, we've gotta talk. Promise me to not weird out."
She sighed as she carefully put her non-injured hand in mine. I looked into her gorgeous eyes as she spoke. Oh my god, Tara.

"So, you know that I've been acting a bit strange lately?"
I nodded.

Memories ——

I laughed loudly as Tara tickled my waist, smiling at me gasping for air.
I screamed, making Tara gasp sarcastically, putting her hand on her chest.
"how dare you call me an old lady!!"
She giggled, before tickling me even harder. I am very sensitive when it comes to getting tickled. I can't handle it. The girl laughed as my ability to breath flew out with my screams, and after a while I had to grab her arms to make her stop or else I'd seriously die from lack of oxygen.

When I grabbed her, she suddenly gasped as her cheeks went red. I sat up a little, closing the space between us with some centimeters to adjust my position, and thats when I noticed her leaning in.
"Hey!! What are you doing?"
I asked, surprised over her sudden move.

Tara flinched at my voice and blushed violently as I told her off.
"I am so so sorry. Forget about that please."
She whined, as I raised an eyebrow while glancing at her.

"All right, if you say so."
I friendly stroke her back, as she moved aside to give me access to get up from the bed. What she didn't notice was my VIOLENT blush, and huge grin. She was just too cute.

—— End of memories

"Yeah, um. There's something that I've been meaning to tell you for a while now."
She looked down at her lap, her voice getting lower and lower as she spoke.

"Go on, you can tell me anything."
I knew what was coming, and I was so ready for it. I've liked her for months, but I am pretth good at hiding my feelings until I know for sure what I want to not hurt people. But god I know what I want. I really do. I want her. I want us to be more than "the best friends of woodsboro". What about "the girlfriends of woodsboro"? I smirked for myself as Tara spoke:
"I don't really know how to say this but um— I—, well..."

I hushed her as I leaned in closer. The girl, or should I say, my girl, flinched a bit, before closing the gap between us with a passionate kiss. The excitement took over her body as she pressed herslef against me, cupping my face. I pulled away for a moment.
"Hey, take it easy. You've barely rehabbed, baby"
The girl reached differently to the pet name now than that she had before, now smiling widely about it. I smiled back to affirm her, leaning in to kiss her again. My Tara.

"You are gorgeous."
She whispered after pulling away for the last time.

"so are you, GOSH, so are you. And brave. You actually made it out from there. I wouldn't have known to do if I'd lost you today, love. I love you."
I answered, kissing her forehead. Tara placed her hand on my tigh, leaving her head to rest on my shoulder.

"I love you more. Thank you for being here."

"Of course."
I interlocked our fingers, as I stroke my thumb over her palm.

"Can you stay for the night?"
She asked, looking up to face me. I nodded instantly.

"I'll stay for how long you need and want."

𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐎𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐚 // 𝙸𝙼𝙰𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚂Where stories live. Discover now