' poison '

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Jenna's pov ::

I sighed for myself as I watched the grey clouds forming in the sky. Although I was safe and sound from any climate disturbances in the taxi, I knew that I had to get out of the warm car at some point, and I didn't want it to be pouring while on set. Yes, that's right. On set. We're currently filming season two of Wednesday, and most of the scenes are acted out outdoors. Another sigh left my mouth, there's nothing to do anyways.

"Is everything okay, miss?"
The taxi driver asked, probably because he heard my pessimistic sighs. I nodded in response and turned my head to look out of the window.

Not only am I upset over the weather, but also over Percy and his relationship with y/n, my girlfriend. We've been dating since slightly before the filming of Wednesday season two begun. When the new cast members was revealed and greeted to us, I immediately saw something special in this one girl, and we started talking. Now, we are where we are. And apparentally, we have a third wheel now as well. But I'm not sure that Percy likes that. He probably wants more. More of y/n.

I noticed how my jaw was clenched when I finally allowed myself to get the thought of Percy and y/n off my mind. The taxi stopped right outside of the entrance to our meetup place, and I waited to open the door until I had successfully paid, not wanting to get more wet than neccessary. When the transaction went through, I ran into the buiding with my bag as some kind of coverage. As soon as I came in through the door, I spotted y/n in one of the sofas, waiting for me just like every morning of set. She comes in early for the coffee.

I gave her a quick smile before walking up to kiss her. She returned the kiss and grabbed my shirt, before patting next to her, telling me to sit down without saying anything. She begun to talk about every little thing that happened since we last spoke to eachother, and I listened closely to every word she said.

As soon as I opened my mouth to speak, y/n lit up in a smile towards another direction, and she waved to someone. I turned my head, and felt my stomach sink. It was Percy. He approached with his stupid coffee mug in his hand, ignoring me completely as he bent down to hug my girlfriend. My girlfriend.

He sat down next to her and put his arm behind her in the sofa. I threw him an eye before sneaking my own arm around her waist, pulling her close. Then I kissed her cheek. Percy smiled weakly, before speaking:
"How are you today, sunshine?"

I almost threw up at his pet name. What. The. Fuck.

Y/n, like the beautiful soul she is, smiled at her "bestfriend" and replied:
"I'm good, how about you?"

My jaw clenched at the sight of them having their conversation. Don't get me wrong, I love to see y/n having fun with other people, but just not with him.

"Are you excited for our scene today?"
He put a mocking tone over his voice when he uttered the word 'scene' while he looked at me. I growled slightly, but tried to prevent myself from tearing every part of his flesh into pieces. Soon after, he turned to look at y/n again with a satisfied look on his face.

"I am!! Our characters goes so well together?"
He made a sad face at her reply.

"What about us?"
He said sarcastically, but I knew that he was, deep down, fully serious with his questions.
"Do we go well together?"

Y/n giggled and nudged him playfully, but grabbed my hand as she did so.
"Of course we do!! You're my best friend!!"
She squeezed my hand to show me that there were nothing to worry about. Percy noticed our hands, and frowned slightly.

"Actually, y/n, I'm gonna go grab another coffee, you on?"
Y/n glanced at me, and I just nodded.

"It's fine, you can go. I have some lines to practice anyway."
She looked at me and smiled, before walking off with Percy. I sighed for myself, before I began to dig in my bag for the lines. I started to read them, acting them out to myself, but I couldn't focus. The only thing that I could think about was y/n and Percy. I couldn't help but wonder where they were and what they were doing.

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