' stargazing '

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I hurried to put all of my essentials in the basket along with the foods and drinks, as I quickly called Jenna to make sure that she was safe. I had been looking forward for this day ever since it got planned. I'm going stargazing with my best friend. And, to be honest, also my crush. I mean, she is the Jenna Ortega. The girl starring in every single movie on screens all over the world, looking like an angel in every single one of them.

"Hey, are you here soon?"
I spoke as I put the chocolate covered strawberries on top of the soda to not damage anything.

"Yeah, I am outside, actually."
She replied, and I peeked through the window, spotting the short girl standing outside my front door with a box of chocolates. When she saw me, she waved and threw a big smile. I felt my cheeks heat up before I ran to open the door. And when I did, an over-excited Jenna jumped right into my arms, squealing.
"The shooting went SO good!!"
She shouted, as I held her in my arms, smiling at her until it felt like my cheekbones would crack.

"That's amazing! I can't wait to see you in it!!"
Jenna jumped down, deattaching myself from me before approaching the basket of food, looking at it.

"Yum!! Did you make all this yourself?"
She looked back at me with her rosy cheeks from the slightly cold weather that she had just walked through, and pointed at the basket. I nodded.

"Yup. Was definately a challenge, but look where I got it!"
I did a 'tadaaa' move, as Ortega laughed at me, nudging me shyly.
"Anyways, we should probably get going. It's getting dark."

Jenna nodded, and squealed excitedly. I smiled back at her, before grabbing the basked to bring it to my door, before putting my shoes and a thin jacket on. The shorter girl just stared at me in the doorframe, waiting for me to get done.
"Aight, let's go!!"
She giggled, as I grabbed the basket again, walking up next to her and connected our arms. This was going to be amazing.


As soon as we got to the cliff where we would be staying, Jenna grabbed the picnic blanket and laid it on the hard surface, as she laid down, waiting for me.
"Come on!!"
She patted on the spot next to her, and I put down the basket with food on the blanket to prevent it from flying away. I sat down pretty close to her, just to feel her warmth.
"Are you cold?"
Jenna asked, as she rested her head on my shoulder. Millions of butterflies visited my stomach when she did so.

"I should've brought a warmer jacket."
I muttered, making the small girl laugh at me. I punched her playfully.

"Ow! What was that for? It's not my fault you forgot the jacket!"
She giggled, before stroking my arms rapidly to warm me up.
"does that feel better?"

It made no difference. I wasn't cold. I just wanted to be as close to her as possible. And also, I felt nervous. Because the whole point in this stargazing adventure was to confess to my best friend. And I could feel the nausea grow in my body when I realised that it was actually time to do it. I opened the box with chocolate covered strawberries, giving one to Jenna. Her eyes widened as she bit in it.

"This is the best snack I've ever eaten!!"
She exclaimed, and I grabbed one too. She was right. The strawberries tasted delicious.
"You did such a good job."

I noticed her voice a bit more. It was lower and not as energetic as before, and her face was just a tiny bit closer to mine. It looked like she was in a trance or something, because her eyes got lost in mine.
"Oh uh, sorry."
She suddenly spoke, as she realised what she had been doing.
"Or, actually—"
She begun to say something again.

"I have something to tell you."
"I've gotta talk to you about something."

We interrupted eachother. Nervous laughs elicted from us as we grabbed another chocolate covered strawberry to share. Jenna reached it to me, and I took a bite. Then she ate the other half of it.

"You go first."
I said politely, slowly roaming my hand closer to hers on the blanket. Appearently she noticed, because she blushed slightly, and took it without hesitation.

"Uh so.. this might come out as weird but.. promise me that this will not ruin anything?"
I stared at her lips as she spoke. They were so pink and so so beautiful. I wanted to feel them on mine more than anything. I stroke her hand with my thumb to show her that it was okay.

"I promise."
I smiled slightly to prove my point.

"All right, so.. I like you. I like you more than just two best friends that run around in grocerie stores laughing like two children, I like you more than two best friends that hug eachother extra tight whenever they see eachother. My work have been kind of stopping me from saying this.. but now I did."
She looked surprised as she finished the sentence. Like she couldn't believe what she had just told me.
"Please say something."
She cracked out of nervousness.

"I am speechless. This feels like a dream."
Was the only thing I could get out of my mouth. And it was true. I was the one to confess tonight, but I guess that Jenna read my mind and changed the gameplan.
"I like you too. I was going to say it first but now you did and this feels so much better."

And with that, a pair of warm, plump lips were on mine. A happy giggle exiting her mouth as she kissed me under the stars. Our first kiss ever. I kissed back immediately, still surprised but still overly happy. I put my hands around her waist, pulling her closer to me before stroking it with my thumb. I've never been happier or more in love.

Now I have one more star to gaze. ⭐️

𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐎𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐚 // 𝙸𝙼𝙰𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚂Where stories live. Discover now