' livestream '

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Jenna's pov ::

"Babe?? Can you come real quick?"
I shouted while going on instagram, being met by a new fan edit from a fanpage that I followed a while ago.

"Yeah, what is it?"
Y/n's voice echoed through our big living room as she walked over wearing a pajama-set from Brandy Melville. I secretly bit my lip, trying to hide it from my girlfriend, who shot me one of those smiles that I can't get enough of, and pecked my lips.

"How are you today?"
She asked while I was in full swing of starting my livestream that I had promised my followers yesterday. It was quite a while ago I went live, since I've been working on Wednesday and finest kind, but since me and y/n have a weekend off, I thought that we could  go live.

"I'm good. How about you baby?"
I turned to face her as she sat down in my lap. I ran my fingers through her hair as she rested her head onto my shoulder.
"I'm fine, just a lot of work to do when I get back."

I nodded quietly and kissed her neck softly, before she actually figured out what I was doing.
"we're going live??"
She exclaimed, seeming pretty excited about it. I giggled and nodded, before rolling my eyes sarcastically.

"I promised my followers."
Y/n laughed at my slighly offensive joke and ran her hand through her hair before I set up the camera and started the live.

jennaortega started a live video!

y/n waved at the camera and smiled at the comments that was written to her. I connected my arms around her waist and buried my face in her neck, inhaling her scent.

"Yeah, we have a weekend off so me and my beautiful girlfriend thought that we could go live."
I read the comments while y/n replied to basically all of them, smiling wide as she did so. I kissed her cheek before deciding to help her with the replying.

user678 are you dating? ❤️

I smiled at the question, happy that I'll finally get to show my beautiful girl off again.
"Yeah, we're dating. Y/n is the only girl that I've ever wanted."
I grabbed her chin and turned her face towards me, scrunching my nose in a smile at how cute she looked, before pecking her lips over and over again.

"All right baby!!! Stop!!!"
She giggled while trying to push me away, but as soon as I stopped, she pulled me in for more. I kissed back one last time, before hugging her again. Y/n blushed a bit, and leaned forward to read more comments.

useruser34789 will there be a season two of only in my dreams? 😍😍 I love you y/n!!!

y/n got visibly happy about the question about the series that she was starring in. I turned to look at her, listening to what she was going to say.

"I can't tell you too much.. BUT YES!!"
Y/n exclaimed happily and applauded for herself before getting a love stream from my followers. I smiled at her joyfulness before kissing her cheek.

username how did you two meet? ❤️

"do you want to tell them, baby?"
Y/n turned to me and put her arms around my shoulder, snuggling into me as I began to speak.

"Well, do you remember this y/n? It's funny, because it actually was on set of only in your dreams. As many of you know, I played a side character in a party scene, where y/n's and my character shared a kiss. You know that sloppy and gross one, yeah?"
Y/n slapped my shoulder and groaned into my neck, as I laughed.

"Anywayyysss, I fell in love with her when I first spoke to her. It was a STRUGGLE to get her number, but look where we are today.."
Y/n lifted her head from my shoulder and looked me into my eyes.
"...gosh, I have to kiss you"

I leaned in and kissed her passionately, massaging her neck in the progress. Y/n hummed something but I couldn't hear or understand her. The only thing that I could understand was that I love this woman. More than ever.

Y/n pulled away first, and buried her face in my neck again. Probably because of embarrassment. I stroke her by the hair and held her like a baby.

userrrr are you tired y/n? 🥺🥺 you look so comfy there!!

I giggled at the comment and stroke her back, nodding as a reply.
"I think that it's just been a lot for her lately. She's been laying in my arms like this 39 nights in a row. And I'm not complaining!!"
I kissed her forehead and rubbed her back before grabbing the phone off the table.

"I actually think that that's it for today. But I'll try to come back with another livestream soon. Y/n and I need some alone time. It was nice talking to you though!!"
I waved to the camera before turning it off, leaving it on the table.

Jennaortega ended the live video.

I smiled for myself as I laid down with y/n on my chest, almost asleep. I pulled a blanket over us both and big spooned my girlfriend, and closed my eyes.

To be honest, I wouldn't want to spend my weekends with anyone but her.

𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐎𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐚 // 𝙸𝙼𝙰𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚂Where stories live. Discover now