' come here '

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y/n's pov ::

"Y/N!!! I haven't seen you this fucking lazy since your father got sick!!"
My coach shouted as I failed to do my 150th pushup for today. I gasped uncontrollably as he nudged harshly on my back to make me continue.

"Our pass isn't over until 1:30. Keep pushing!!"
He shouted as my breathes slowly turned into sobs. But I knew that he wouldn't care if I begun to cry, actually, he would take adventage of it. He tells me that it's good to cry, because it shows you that you've done a good job since your body is getting affected. I hate it here, at Markinsons appointments. But I've paid for ten lessons, and this is my fifth.


hey baby
how are you? ❤️
-> 1:02

I'm leaving early from set td
If there's no coincidences I'd be home at 2. :)
-> 1:09

y/n, love?
where are you? ❤️
-> 1:15

"Hey!! Focus! Only fifteen minutes left, don't want to miss a bicep or two, won't we?"
Markinson shouted once again, making a tear fall from my cheeks, while I managed to do another pushup.

I am never going back here after this.
If only the bell could ring soon..

I did pushup after pushup without him getting enough, as tears streamed down my face. I just wished that he could be proud over me for once, but I guess that he just don't do proudness.

After what felt like an eternity, the bell sent from heaven finally rang, and I sunk down on the floor, not being able to control my tears anymore.
"Good job today, y/n. Next time we'll have to work more on those legs."

I quickly packed my things, while sobbing at his greedyness. He does it all for good reputation, even though he already has the best, since all women who has ever paid for his classes has dream bodies. But honestly, I'd prefer my mental health over a nice body. At least at the moment.

I picked up my phone, going through all of my messages that I had missed at the appointment. I had six missed messages from Jenna, and I was quick to open them.


hey baby
how are you? ❤️
-> 1:02

I'm leaving early from set td
If there's no coincidences I'd be home at 2. :)
-> 1:09

y/n, love?
where are you? ❤️
-> 1:15

oh my god I am so sorry for not responding
that is so good baby
I'll cook you something ❤️
<- 1:34

I've already picked up food 💞
just for you :)
-> 1:35

You're the best ❤️
<- 1:35

I let out a relieved sigh as I spoke to Jenna. She always helped me feel better, in any situation.

As I drove back home, I tried to wipe my tears without losing focus on the road. My whole body hurt, and I was still shaking from the harsh workout that coach put me through. It was a short drive home, so after a quick five minute drive I pulled up to my house, before I hopped out of the car and grabbed my house key. It was 1:50, ten minutes until she got home. I had the time to take a quick shower until then.

Still sobbing, I grabbed a clean towel and my shower gel and put it in the shower, before turning on the pouring, hot water. My body completely relaxed as I stepped in, letting the sweat run off my body while I smeared myself in shower cream. I cleaned it all off before jumping out of the shower, wrapping myself in the towel. I hurried to dry my hair, and put on a pair of shorts and a oversized t-shirt as I went down the stairs to be there when Jenna got home.

I sniffled as I went on instagram, stalking Markinsons marketing page, checking the stories from our pass together.

goddess y/n is back! 😍
look at those abs!!!
one of the best results I've ever seen!

Tears ran down my face at the sight of him romanticizing my pain. He covered my face on most of the stories, probably to hide my endless tears. But no one still saw how much it hurt me? I was the bait for more young women to attend his classes, I was one of his advertisement as soon as I went into the doors of his gym. It really sucked.

Doors opened and closed, as Jenna's soft voice decoured the house:
"Hey baby, I'm home!!"
No response. I couldn't possibly. My face was all drenched from my tears, and if I would've answered, I would've drowned in my own breath.
She called out again. A loud sob made her ears point as she hurried to the sofa, where I sat, still crying over my sore body.

"Oh no.. come here."
Jenna pulled me onto her lap, making me bury my face in her neck, my sobbing becoming more frequent.
"Shhh... y/n.. I'm here.."
I held her tightly, pressing her against me as her shirt became wet from me crying against her.
"You're okay."
She pulled away, wiping my tears, and a strain of hair from my face. New tears ran down, but she wiped them right away.

"He.. he— I'll never be enough."
I gave her my phone, and she grabbed it right away, staring at the stories, as her jaw clenched.
"He has NO right!! You deserve so much better, baby. Oh come here.."
she pulled me into a hug as she stroke me by the hair, making me calm down after a little while.
"You won't have to go back all right? I'll make sure of that. Now are you hungry?"
Jenna smiled slightly as she saw me light up a bit.

"Yeah. Thank you baby. I love you."
I buried my face into her neck as she kissed my forehead.
"I love you more."
She whispered.
"Wait here, I'll get the food."

I smiled at her, as she stroke my cheek and left to grab the fast food bag. The things that she did for me was so much more than I ever could wish for. No one will ever be able to understand how graceful I am for her, and how much I love her. She brings me the comfort I though that I'd never have.

𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐎𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐚 // 𝙸𝙼𝙰𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚂Where stories live. Discover now