' hug '

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y/n's pov ::

I smiled for myself as I walked into mine and Wednesday's dorm, happy with how my day had been, and put down my school bag next to my bed and threw off my blazer.

My long hair fell down my shoulders as I released my pony tail, and turned around to check on Wednesday, since I hadn't seen her all day.

"hey, amour—"
I began, but didn't get to finish, as I saw Addams, face down on her desk with her arms for support. My eyebrows formed a frown, and I strolled over to check up on my girlfriend. As soon as I put my hand on her shoulder, she flinched and growled slightly, clearly in a bad mood. I sighed and kneeled next to her, as I removed her raven bangs from her face, and that's when she looked up at me. Her eyes was glossy, and her lips pressed together, chin slightly shaking as she tried her best not to sniffle.

I exclaimed, and pulled her up from her chair, forcing her to stand up. I held her hands and caressed them, as I wasn't sure if she was ready for hugs yet. The only person she has ever hugged before is Enid, when she literally saved her life. This was before we were dating, if not, sadly Enid would've been dead.

"I did not wish for you to see me like this."
Wednesday whispered under her breath, leaving me to look down at her with pure concern in my eyes, as tears fell down her cheeks. Wednesday Addams is crying.

"Who did this to you?"
I spoke. The sharpness in my voice could've sliced through stone, and I tried my best not to leave her to find the fucker who caused her this harm. The goth could probably feel my anger building up, as she reached up to stroke my cheek, and whispered slowly:

"It was no one. No need to get all tensed up, cara mia."
Her voice was still full of hurt, and I recognized the tone, revealing her desperacity to cry, which she obviously refused to do.
"Sometimes my thoughts get to me, that's all."

I kissed her forehead and fought the urge to shed tears to, but I didn't. Although it hurt me to see my girlfriend like this. Especially when she never cries.

"Hey, baby?"
Dark brown glossy eyes meeting mine.
"Do you need a hug?"

The eyes that were just looking deeply into mine was tilted down again due to the question, as if she was considering my offer.
Then she took a deep breath, and revealed an answer with her raspy voice:
"I suppose."

I opened my arms, and watched Wednesday hesitate for a moment, even though she just accepted it. I waited patiently without closing my arms, and for some seconds, I thought that she had changed her mind. But I was wrong. More tears flooded down her eyes as she ran into my arms with a whimper, sobbing into my chest as I stroke her by the hair.

"I'm here now baby, it's fine"
She pressed herself closer to me, as I felt my shirt getting wet from Wednesday's tears. I kissed the top of her hair and stroke her back, and slowly led her to the bed. This girl needed some rest, I could feel that she was exhausted.

"I love you so so much."
I whispered, as we laid down in the raven's bed, and felt her cuddling into me.

"I love you too, cara mia."
She replied, and looked up at me with her gorgeous eyes. I wiped her tears, and bent down to kiss her gently.

"Now get some rest, you need it."
I said, and began to rub her back to calm her down. I was still wearing my uniform but I didn't care. Wednesday comes first. Always.

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