' letters '

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Tara's pov ::

"if you now must go so badly, we HAVE to be penpals!!"
Y/n scoffed sarcastically at my suggestion, before rolling her eyes, blushing and smiling over the fact that I can't even stand to be without her for three months.

"We still have messages, old-school freak."
She replied, causing me to let out a laugh.

"Yes, love. But I feel like letters is more romantical, with autumn coming and all."
I argued. Y/n smiled at me and approached me slowly, placing a soft kiss on my lips.
"We could do that."
She replied. I smiled happily, wrapping my hands around her neck.
"I'll write to you like, tomorrow!!!"
Penetrated my lips as I jumped around in front of her, happy that I had gotten what I wanted.
"I'm not leaving until next week??"
Y/n said with a questionable tone in her voice, and I giggled shortly.

"Yeah. That was the fun of it. Anyways, I better run home, I need to help Sam with the dinner. Love you baby!!"
I basically whispered for being so up-close to her, and planted a loving kiss on her lips to make them meet once again, before grabbing my coat and slipping on my shoes to run out in the pouring rain.

I am going to miss her more than anything.


My dear y/n

I assume that you've already figured that I was going to be the one to write first. You've been at this pre-university thingy for about two weeks now and I've already cried over you twice. Is that too needy? I don't know, I've been going through stuff as you know, you know, just to explain it all. Good thing that Sam held me ;)

I have been investigating more about the ghostface, and Chad FINALLY offered to help me. Or, us, since it's our investigation.

Here's what I've figured since last time:
- the killer is related to me in some way.
(Family or not family.)
- there may be more than one killer

I know that it isn't a lot, but now I have my girl to miss too, so my head is pretty stuffed. You have to know, y/n, that I love and miss you with all of my heart. I look forward to our secret investigations in my room that we'll have AS SOON as you get home!! Understood?

I have sooo many questions that I need to discuss with you. About all of this murderer thing. And my girlfriend will help me. I am so sure of that. You always do. Anyways. Sam is calling for me, sadly. Dinner, again. How are you? Did you meet any new people? Gotten any loving friends? Are you thriving at your place? You HAVE to let me know!!!

Kisses. / Tara <3


my precious girl

oh my god!! You should've called me. I am always here for you even if I'm like, a thousand miles away and you should be aware of that by now!!

Your discoveries about the murderer investigation sounds very intruiging. We can get far on those pieces of information. Thank you for running our team without me. That Chad weren't going to lose us and he knew that all the way, stupid man trying to run ;) tell him 'gotcha fucker' from me.

I love and miss you too, love. Life without you here is boring, but I have surrounded myself with pleasant people who make it a little less boring. Don't worry babe, just a little :)

Me and two friends are sharing a very nice room, with long curtains reaching the elegant wooden floor, who's holding up three glorious and very comfortable beds, three bedside tables painted in white with adorable flowers decouring them. I really like them. It reminds me of the series that we watched together, you know, the rooms in there? I KNOW that you remember them, Tara.

Anyways, I have to stop writing due to dinner also. But WE are going to eat. Despite from you ;) love you more than words can describe!! You're incredible, baby. Don't let anyone or anything come in your way.

Love and hugs. / y/n


Dear y/n

I am so thrilled by your immediate answer to me. I couldn't bare being without your words. Love you.

I would've called you yes, but then I remembered that you would have teased me over calling me since it was my idea to penpal since it seemed to be much more 'romantical'. Baby, I know you too well.

I told Chad from you, and he replied with:
'Soon on the run again, loser'
Which does not please me. Sorry if I write very excitedly, I am just.. yes, excited to write to you about everything that is going on in Woodsboro while you're not here. The folks misses their favourite couple 'round here!!

I haven't investigated anything further since your reply. I have been sleeping. I don't know but I seem to have catched a cold. My throat is very sore. And you MUST hear my voice. It is almost non-existent by now!! Should call you soon! But I have to hurry so my voice doesn't come back before that.

My letters aren't very long since woodsboro is basically sleeping at the moment.

Please come home babes, I miss your kisses :(
I can basically FEEL your lips on mine by now. I am mentally sick. Love you baby. See you in a month <3

Hugs. / Tara


dear Tara

I am going to kiss you harder than I ever have when I arrive back in woodsboro. Gosh, I miss home :( should I come home early for you, princess? My friends is starting to get sick of me so the only thing I have left to do is bascially to just sit here and rot. But at the same time, I really want to know stuff about my future college!! It's interesting, but no fun.
Not anymore. :(

Why are you so sleepy, my love? I wish I could wrap you up in my arms and kiss you to sleep right now, but I am unbearable far away which is starting to seriously bother me. I miss you, dear Tara.

Damn, we are sounding SO old-school when we're writing to eachother. That has to come to an end.

Like I said, I miss you so much it's crazy. Good thing is that when you read this, it will be two days before I am home. The fact brings me more comfort than you could ever imagine. Love you baby. See you soon ;)

Kisses. / y/n


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