' baby '

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y/n's pov ::

I shouted a goodbye to my colleauges as I rushed through the door towards the taxi that my boss had arranged for the entire cast to prevent paparazzi from reaching us on the way to our homes, since they know where we usually shoot and work on our projects. And our latest is the biggest one yet. I am very excited about it since it's such an amazing story in the series, and I get to work with my favourite actress ever. Jenna fucking Ortega.

In the series, she plays my love interest and I must agree that the love interest doesn't pause behind the cameras. Infact, she's always been my celebrity crus and my role model. Especially before I got into acting. She's the sweetest soul ever and I've never felt safer acting with someone. Jenna is always so nice to me and sends me little voice messages on set, telling me where she is and that I should come meet her and give her a hug. Even though I know that it isn't something romantical from her side, my stomach does FLIPS whenever I get a notice from her. Her voice always seems to calm me down.

I ran across the road, when a hand suddenly grabbed me and pulled me aside. I screamed when I found myself in someone's arms, and reached over to pull the person's hair to get a chance to escape.

Cut me some slack bro, I thought that I was about to get kidnapped.

"Ow!! Hey, it's me!!!"
A sharp but sweet voice exclaimed right next to my ear as my heart did a spin. It was Jenna. She had her arms around my waist, still standing behind me as we spoke. I quickly let go of her dark brown layered hair and stroke my hand over where I had hurt her.

"oh my gosh!! I am so so sorry!!!"
I assured her and hugged her for a minute before pulling away, now with a confused look on my face.

Jenna questioned, just as confused over the situation as me.

"What is the reason for all of this? Like, you basically kidnapping me into your arms, acting like some gentlewoman from a sketchy spider-man movie..?"
Jenna giggled, before pulling a strand of hair behind my ear. A slight blush revealed itself onto my cheeks as I avoided eye contact at all costs.

"A car was dangerously close to hitting you."
She almost whispered, dangerously close to my face. I could feel her breath coming onto my face, leaning away slightly as I didn't know what her intentions were. I wanted to kiss her so badly, but what if she just wanted a friendship?

"Oh my— WHAT?"
I exclaimed. She had basically saved my life? I pulled her in for another hug, stroking her back which made her let out a comforted sigh in my ear. She's so cute.
"What can I do to make it up to you? Anything."
I pulled away, with my hands still placed on her waist. Jenna smiled.

"You don't have to do anything really, I just—"
I immediately cut her off.
"No, no!! What do you want, really?"
I stroke her waist with my thumbs to let her know that, with all good intentions, I was dead serious about all this. And for the first time, Jenna let out a defeated sigh.

"Oh okay, well.."
she thought for a moment before lighthing up in a smile.
"...let me walk you home."
I smiled and nodded quickly, a little bit too excited over walking with Jenna.
"And maybe.. stay for a bit?"
She was quick to add, meeting my eyes with a glimpse of hope.

"Of course, stay how long you want, I'm all alone anyways so.."
we pulled away from eachother's grip and began to walk alongside eachother, both staying quiet for the first five minutes.

"where do you live?"
Jenna cracks for the first time. I hide a smile before replying:
"It's not that far from here actually. You just walk around that corner and keep walking straight forward down the road, and there you have my house."
Jenna nodded the entire time, paying all of her attention to me giving her the directions. The impression gave me instant butterflies.

"She's so cute when she does that."
A small whisper was heard from Jenna.
"What did you say?"

"Oh, oh nothing."
Jenna blushed violently while looking away, hiding her face from me. I smiled widely and looked in the other direction, doing the same thing. And then we just kept walking like that the entire way to my house.

Jenna let out a gasp when she saw my home, hurring up to the door.
"Woah, you live here alone??"
Jenna exclaimed, smiling towards me with her chin slightly covered by the neck of her jacket. I approached her and pressed in the password on the door handle. Jenna looked impressed as I did so.

"Oh come on, you're like, super rich. Don't act like you don't live in a master manison or something!!"
I laughed, as the shorter girl went quiet. She sighed as I opened the door, giving her a confused look as I stepped in after her. She took off her jacket and her shoes, waiting for me as I did the same. Then I led her to the sofa, worried about her. Did I say something?

"Don't hate me now, y/n. I don't know what to say, but.."
I put my hand on her knee as we sat down. She scooted closer to me, as I moved my hand up to her waist, stroking her waist slowly to get her to talk, as she looked pretty uncomfortable.
"I would never hate you, baby.."


I instantly panicked as Jenna looked at me, schocked and confused. I couldn't tell if she liked it or not, but I still wanted to run away as fast as I could, burst trough my best friends door and stay there until I rot and die.
"Oh my— I am so sorry that just slipped and I shouldn't have.."
Jenna hushed me by placing her finger over my mouth, smiling.
"shhh, baby"
She whispered in a teasing way, which made me laughed. She was clearly making fun of me. She giggled a bit too.

"No, but seriously."
I said, feeling a bit more comfortable thanks to Jenna. It looked like she wanted to interrupt me for a second, before deciding not to.
"What did you want to tell me, I would never hate you.."
Jenna interrupted, making me burst into a laughter. The brunette joined in, giggling softly while leaning over, burying her face into my chest, embarrased by her laughing face.

"What are you doing, baby"
I bursted out again, as she pushed me over, climbing on top of me.

"How does that feel, baby!!"
She exclaimed, as she begun to tickle me all over my body, making me fight for my life while screaming. She laughed out loud for the first time as I grabbed her wrists to prevent her from basically killing me.

"Don't do that, baby!"
I screamed, catching my breath as she did the same, falling on top of me due to exhausement. I could feel her breath on my cheek as she was laying on my chest, still catching her breath.

I whispered.

"Good fight, baby."
She smiled, before sitting up to meet my eyes. But this time, none of us laughed. The tension grew between us.
"Yeah, baby."
At this point it wasn't a joke anymore, and it was all over when the brunette leaned forward, placing her hand on my chest as I leaned up to meet her lips. There was no hesitation as I sat up in a sitting position with her on my lap, sneaking my arms around her waist.

"I really like you, baby"
Jenna said, out of breath against my lips.
I kissed her harder as she let out a surprised moan. Her arms fell around my neck before the kiss broke, and she snuggled into my neck.

"I really like you too, Jenna."

𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐎𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐚 // 𝙸𝙼𝙰𝙶𝙸𝙽𝙴𝚂Where stories live. Discover now