Ch 3: Did they Fell in love ?

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I wish you have sleepless and restless night like I am having.

His words were ringing in her ears again and again. She was tossing on her bed left to right. " What is happening  with me.. why his words are echoing  in my mind.."

She tried to sleep again but his words were embracing her thoughts avoiding the sleep to take part. His hatred towards her was causing to break her daze every now and then. She took a glass of water from near by night stand and gulped in one go. Trying to sleep again when her mind took her to the flashback of the morning  incident.


She reached his room, he was sleeping in effect of medicines. She slowly caressed his cheek, silently cursing herself for his condition; unknowingly  tears formed in her eyes. She couldn't able to curse him to die. She just couldn't. She slowly whispered, " I am sorry.."  expecting him to forgive her. And involuntarily she slowly pecked his lips. The footsteps made her alert and without spending a min more she ran from there. 

Flashback  ends

She woke up abruptly, in the morning she was just in moment, but now when she retrospect, she realized that she kissed him, she fucking kissed him. He was her sworn enemy, her father vouched to kill him and what she did. She gave the first kiss of her life to him. She knew she can never turn back. She thought to herself.. why she kissed him. Does she pity him.. 'No' her heart answered.

Does she have  any other kind of feeling for him. 'No' her mind screamed. Then why all of a sudden she did it. Why she couldn't able to control her emotions infront of him. Seeing him in bandages why she felt guilty. There were lot of questions revolving in her mind. Yet she didn't  have answer of any. She turned to take another sip of water realizing she has emptied her bottle already. 

She quickly went to down to have a cold water, when she felt someone else's presence in the kitchen.

" Danish.. what are you doing here...??" She asked suspecting something.

" Oh Heya Sister..", he exclaimed  acknowledging  her presence.

" What are you doing at this hour..", she asked more in cold tone.

" Like what are you doing at this hour here..?", instead of answering he threw back question to her.

She turned her face away from him, not able to give an answer, "Doesn't matter to you..." She said not looking at him. He came to her, in her eye contact and smirked,"Is it because of Bakshi's..?? "

A threatening anger glance at him, which made him to steps a back. "Stay in your limits Danish..", she warned him.

He chuckled, taking the glass from her hand he drank the water," Oh Please..  I think while doing all this fake love and everything somewhere you have fallen for that Bakshi.. Sista..", he derides her making her to lower her gaze. She didn't have answer to his observation, with little shaking lips she revolted back,"What bull-shit are you saying.. ". 

He leered and then he suddenly took few steps towards her and said seriously, "But loving rival would be dangerous for you.. it's not good for you life Sister.. think before you get killed by Father himself..". Giving her an direct warning he went from there. She stood there silently, though Danish was her step-brother, it was true that they are comfortable with each other. He doesn't like her but what he said made her heart to question herself. Her self-conscious was asking her again. 

She reached to her room, she sat on her bed, leaning against her headrest she touched her lips. The touch of his lips were so soft, despite being a mafia his heart is so soft. He is ruthless to any enemy but had always been soft, gloopy with her. Those five days were actually one of the beautiful days of her life. She smiled remembering the five days when she was faking love. 

Dilwale [Apart yet together] - Kaali_MeeraWhere stories live. Discover now