Ch 5: They Met but...

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Kaali was carrying Meera outside, she hold him tightly, while taking long strides he was moving towards his car. 

"Haven't you parked your car little ahead..", she taunted him instead of thanking him. He rolled his eyes, she is indeed a witty woman,"Oh really then where is yours..!", he retorted back making her to hung her head low,"You see, it was right infront of their nose.. so .."

"Yes, that is the reason. I think 2 step ahead of such people. I knew he is not a reliable person and now look back can you even spot your car.", He said making her wonder was her judgement wrong. 

They moved a little ahead, she can see Shark's people has smashed her car and she thanked god that Kaali came on time, but Kaali-- her mind threw an alarm what is she thinking. Kaali is carrying her softly that she hardly felt she is being carried. But whey isn't she revolting, why her heart is fluttering with this act. Her mind was bombarding lot of questions within her. 

He slowly kept her in his car, and quickly reached to the driver's seat, igniting the engine and drove fast. The shrak's people were chasing them, which made him to just step into the accelerator not knowing where they are heading to. He was driving skillfully, but noticed pin drop silence from the passenger seat. He looked to his left only to get horrified. Meera was looking at him but not in any anger or extreme furriness rather in a most admiring level. He called her softly,"Meera..", no response which made him skeptical and worried both at the same time. He halted his car at the corner and turned towards her, her eyes were reflecting those admiration which he wished once upon a time. 

But before he could let his heart sway, he called her sternly,"Meera, get hold of yourself. I think we are at a secure location. Step out from my car now."

She smiled at him, why her mind was questioning but seems a power was suppressing her rational thoughts. "Meera..", He called her again, he waved his hands infront of her. Her smile was acting like a drug or something. "Why are you looking at me like this..", he was blushing slightly but then regain his posture again ,"Meera.. why are looking at me like you are drugg--", he stopped a realization hit him. Sharks one of the business is smuggling which involves drug smuggling as well, what if. 

He broke his chain of thoughts, holds her shoulder firmly like calling her out from her unconscious side, "Meera, are you listening me..", his voice was desperate and hurt both. His heart pained to see Meera in this situation but his rational mind was flowing on the other side. "Meera, get hold of your self and answer me", his voice was more hoarse and authorize then being stern; "Tell me did they made you eat something...?". He wanted to know the source and reason of her behaviour. She softly cupped his cheeks in her both hands and smiled,"Aww Kaali you look so adorable, why are you worried about me.."

His eyes went wide seeing a child inside her, can she be this adorable in reality. He somehow controlled himself and hold her shoulder more firmly and asked again,"Meera, please tell me they hurt you anywhere else..?"

She pouted her lips and made a crying face,"Yes, they gave me an injection here", she showed her wrist to him. He saw a blue mark on her left wrist, they must have given her by force. He clutched her shoulder tightly, anger was boiling when she cried,"Aah Kaali, its hurting"

He realized his grip on her shoulder and loosen it a bit. Calming himself down, he was about to speak something when she giggled, "You look so funny..."

"What's so funny..", he was little annoyed now, he has to bear her until the effect of  drug is reduced. He really wonders which drug has been injected. 

"No I mean cute.. ", saying she pinched his nose lightly, making his heart to do flipflops. He can't even hate her to the core. "Meera, I hope you are forgetting where are you..", he thought to remind her and himself their current situation. But her next act made him shocked to the core, she hugged him out of the blue and whispered,"Yes, I am in car with you, in your arms.."

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