Ch 9: Sneeking in his room

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She was bolted from a blue, her father has never slapped her infront of anyone. She herself forgot when was the last time her father raised hands on her. Today all those moment came flashing back.

She was shocked would be an understatement, everyone present there were equally shock to see the rage in their boss's eyes. "Dad..", Danish tried to call his father but anger has overpowered Dev Malik. He slapped Meera hard again, it was so hard she stumbled on her feet.

"You barnacle, I should have killed you the day you born", he slapped again. No one was interrupting. First it was between father and daughter and secondly everyone knew how much fierce is their boss is. 

"I thought, you had learned some lessons, but no..", he clutched her hairs in his fist and push her towards the wall,"You were sucking my trust behind my back.. doing perfidiousness behind my back". Meera was petrified seeing this condition of her father. He was never been this furious. 

She somehow make herself stand and tried to calm him down,"Da--D, what are you saying. Trust me--", but she was interrupted with her father's loud voice,"Don't call me Dad".

"You have no shame left in you, I thought you did the act with Bakshi's just to get the gold. But no you were making fool of me..", he roared.

"No Dad, trust me we were not aware about their plan in Frankfurt", she tried to reason out to her father. Her face was all red and eyes were filled with tears. 

"Just shut up - how would you explain this..", saying he extended the ipad infront of her. She took it from his hands and saw the reason of his outburst. 

Someone has clicked Her and Kaali's pics the night they stayed in a hotel. The pics were clicked in such a way that it showed they were doing any scandalous thing.  Only her heart knew that she is innocent. "No Dad this is all lie..", 


She couldn't able to complete anything, when her father slapped her again. He caught her wrist in his fist and dragged her outside,"Get let lost from here.."

"Oliver, if you see her near my room or near my house just shoot her..", He said and went inside. But his words shattered Meera. "Dad, please listen to me someone has manipulated the pictures.. Please", she shouted trying to prove her innocence. 

"Were you with Kaali that night..", he turned and asked the question.

She remained mum, because that was reality. "Were you or not Meera", he asked again.

"Yes..", She said lowering her head. "Just closed the Doors", saying he went inside with all his men and her step-brother too. 

None cared about Meera, she fall on her knees and for the very first time after many years cried out. But there was no one who could listen to her cries, who can comfort her. Soon she wiped her tears and a rage emerged inside her. 

She left the place quickly, took a cab with left over money in her pocket going towards her final destination that would give final answers. The cab dropped her 2 blocks before Bakshi's house. She get down and storm towards him. 

She has only one aim in her mind, she will not spare Kaali Bakshi today. He ruined her completely. Was this revenge he was referring all the time ?? Today she will get her answers and solve everything once for all. 

Since, sun has already sets down, it give her easier way to seek inside his house. She quietly entered his area, with tip-toes foot she took silent steps. entering from main gate is not a good ides, thinking she went towards backyard. 

She saw a balcony, to her luck, she a pipe wall mounted adjacent to that balcony. She carefully climbed and stepped inside the balcony. The door was opened giving her the quick access to enter the room. 

As soon she entered, she was astonished to see the room. Well organized and maintained. There on the study table there was a picture of Kaali, his brother Veer and their father. All trio was looking happy and smiling widely. She caressed the picture when suddenly reality hit her. She came here to punish Kaali. She looked around the room and she can say it was Kaali's room.

In a trice she heard some footsteps approaching towards room, she immediately pick up a cap from nearby table and hid behind a chair. 

"Kaali Bro trust me we don't know who did this", Anwar she recognized the person. He was carrying a tab. 

"Then who did this.. ", He showed the pictures, "Who was the one, someone manipulated these pics..!!", he was very angry.

Meera thought,"Is he talking about same pictures as mine, no why would he. He leaked them.." he chain of perception broke with their conversation.

"There must be someone who was following me and Meera. Someone who knew who is Meera and whom am I.. This is..outrageous I mean forget about me, has anyone thought about Meera - how it is looking..", he threw the tab ,"I just want the culprit, I mean how could some stoop so low that he/she plays with a women's self respect.. I will not spare that man..." His anger was so evident, but his anger made Meera to think twice. Was Kaali not behind all this .?? She neared more to hear their conversation. 

"But Kaali bro, isn't it good. Though we were not behind it but whom so ever did we must thank him, he took your revenge-" before Shakti could complete Kaali showed his hand to stop there,"Don't you ever say anything about her.. My only revenge to her that she realize her guilt. That's it. I have never thought to hurt her self-respect never in my dreams or in my nightmare.."

They quietly left the room, they knew as of now Kaali is not in mood to think and understand the current situation. Kaali sat on his bed, his face was covered with his palm. He was furious, never he thought to hurt Meera like this, how much he try he cannot hurt her. His heart knew, somewhere deep down it beats for her. 

Suddenly, he felt a movement, slowly it dawned to him he is not alone in the room. He felt a strange smell in his room which wasn't before. He silently stood to locate the person. 

On the other hand Meera decided to confront him, she turned and frog walked towards his bed, but he wasn't there. She stood to see him, when she felt a hand on her back. 

Kaali, held the person and threw him on his bed, he over over him ,"Who are you.." They both were fist fighting when he removed the hat and turned the person. He was shocked to his wits would be an understatement.


He whispered, she was there beneath him, hair spread, red cheeks, bloodshot eyes and a little cut on her lips. Her breath was quicken, his fists was tangled with hers but everything stopped there for him. She was here, on his bed, his heart prayed that it wasn't a dream. 

"Leave me", her voice brought him to reality, he soon left her, they both sat down, when again out of blue he caught her by shoulder and turned on his deadly tone for her,"Why are you here.. ? do you have any idea what people will think when they will see in your room.. Does that pictures' scandal is not enough for you...??"

"Why are you worried about it, you were the one who did it..", she threw the accusation back at him. "What are you talking about, I wasn't the one.." this time he tried to reason out a bit, but she didn't believed him or rather showed him that she didn't believed but her heat knew she trust him.

"Wow, I never realized this would your revenge, I mean how low you can stoop Kaali--", she clutched his collor ,"How dare you to play with my self respect - how can you take the revenge with me--", she asked him directly looking at his eyes without blinking. 

"Never in my dreams I would try to harm your self respect Meera", he whispered dangerously ,"But I swear whom so ever did it, I will not spare him", he slowly cupped her face,"Just trust me for once".

That was the last barrier of her patience, her emotions. She burst open infront of him and hugged him tightly. She cried silently, but what surprises her was the comfort he gave her. He reciprocated the hug giving her the comfort that was never been in her life. She increased the grip of her fingers on his back and hugged him as tight as she could. She wanted him to hide her from this whole world, just let it be in his cocoon. And he did. HE gave her the support she was wandering for it since many years. 

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