Two | Bill, Bill Kaulitz

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|January 15|
My eyes widened

"Hello! I'm Tom and this is my brother, we saw you just moved in and wanted to welcome you" one of the boys said as he elbowed the other boy signaling him to introduce himself.

"I'm Bill, Bill Kaulitz" I smiled, Bill what a cute name

"I'm Daniela, my mom and I just moved in from El Salvador, my German is not very good" I had been practicing that sentence to introduce myself.

"What language do you speak?" Bill asked while Tom rolled his eyes

"Okay love birds I'll leave you two to talk" he said as he walked away

"Shut up Tom!" Bill looked a little flustered, I didn't understand much of what he said but I just smiled and answered Bills question

"I speak Spanish"

"Maybe I could teach you some German, you know since you're living in Germany"

I felt someone behind me, my mom of course

"Come in please! I was just about to make breakfast"

"Mom please I don't even know him and you're already inviting him over?!"

"Don't be so dramatic, plus I like his style, and he's very handsome too"

we both said in spanish

I blushed, Bill just looked confused

"What's your name honey?"


"Oh what a lovely name, don't you agree Daniela?"

"What?" my German wasn't that advanced so my mom just explained me what she said I agreed with her, I didn't tell him that of course

"Mom stop"

Bill was trying not to laugh

"Daniela is starting school in 2 days, perhaps you could show her around the school and help her out with her German, oh would you mind showing her around town?"

"Sure i'd love to!"

I had no idea what they just said, I just smiled trying not to make anything awkward.

soon enough my mom was done with breakfast and we all ate, thank god I didn't have to listen to my mom talking with Bill in German.

"Thank you so much Ms. Lopéz, is it okay if I come by tomorrow to pick up Daniela so I can show her around town?"

"Please do, Thank you Bill have a lovely day!"

As soon as he left I looked at my mom and she started telling me how he was gonna show me around town tomorrow


"Honey calm down he seems like such a sweet boy"

"I just met him today!"

"That's okay, he can help you with your German"

I went back to my room and began unpacking everything, I tried looking for an outfit for tomorrow and the first day of school.

I picked out some low waisted jeans and a cute tank top for my date with Bill, I stopped for a second, we're not going on a date!
I don't even like him, my mom made me do this I don't like him, it's not like he's got beautiful eyes and a sweet voice, not to mention he gets along with my mom!

As sweet as my mom looked she never liked any of my friends, but Bill? That was a different story she would've never allowed me to go alone with a boy anywhere, it's probably since we just moved in, yea that's it...

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