Ten | Happy Birthday

344 15 43

TW: mentions of abuse, rape, sexual assault, blood, and murder/death

|May 17|

Tomorrow was my birthday, I would be turning 15, and my mom wouldn't be here for it. Bill told me not to worry too much about it, that everything would be okay. I wanted to believe him but it was hard to.

I was home by myself with Tom and Lana, I was still very surprised how long they had lasted.

Bill was out doing I don't know what, he didn't tell me, I didn't ask.

"Hey Daniela have you seen Bill?" Tom asked, he probably wanted us to watch a movie with him and Lana.

"He left like 30 minutes ago" It was most definitely more than that, but time was weird, and I didn't care too much anyways.

"Where to?" Tom looked a little concerned now which worried me.

I shrugged which only made Toms expression worsen.

"Sorry I have to go, I'll be back soon" He said before grabbing his shoes and running out the door.

"What was that about?" Lana asked obviously disappointed Tom had to leave so soon.

I shrugged again and sat down on the couch next to Lana, I only hoped whatever they were worrying about wasn't bad.

Me and Lana sat in the couch browsing for a movie to watch while we waited for Bill and Tom to come back home. We finally decided on a what to watch and right as Lana hit play the door rang, perfect timing.

I ran to the front door and unlocked it as fast as I could.

Bill came in with only a smile on his face, Tom had a coca cola bottle on his hand.

I greeted Bill by hugging him and we all sat down in the living room. Lana was about to hit the play button when suddenly I asked Bill where they were.

"Oh we had to take care of some stuff" He sounded confident but nervous at the same time, either he was lying or just wasn't telling me the full thing.

"Great! Can we watch the movie now?" Lana said clearly annoyed as she had already been interrupted twice, she really wanted to watch this movie.

"I agree with Lana, i'd like to at least get 5 minutes into the movie before finishing my drink" Tom said just as he slurped down the last drop on the can.

Lana rolled her eyes and started playing the movie.

|May 18|

It had been almost a week since i'd seen my mom, and I wasn't allowed to leave Bill's house either. I was getting really worried about my mom what if something had happened? I needed to know I couldn't wait any longer.

It was my birthday, Bill had gone out to buy me some stuff and everyone else wasn't home. Meaning I had the house to myself, no one to supervise me or stop me from leaving the house.

Bill had left a few minutes ago so I knew he wouldn't be back soon, I decided to go outside and take a peek through the window of my house to see if my mom was okay.

I walked to my house and peaked through the window, nobody was home, or so I thought.

Just as I was about to leave and give up looking for my mom I felt a hand grab my arm and drag me inside the house. It wasn't my moms soft hands, I knew that for sure. They felt rough and strong, they felt like the hands of someone who's been working outside all day.

I turned my head to see who had grabbed me and that's when I saw him, him, the man who had raped my mom. The man who impregnated a 12 year old girl at 20, the one who had left us to eat dirt.

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