Twelve | Adriana

348 14 82

3 years later

|February 14|

"Good morning Daniela" A voice said from beside me, I opened my eyes, it was Bill.

"Good morning" this had all been just a bad nightmare.

That's when I woke up.

"Adriana whats the answer to this?"


"Adriana! are you sleeping in class again"

I raised my head from the desk and looked up at the teacher while rubbing my eyes causing my eyeliner to smear everywhere.

"Huh?" I said in a sleepy voice.

"Please see me after class Ms. Mansilla" The teacher said continuing her lesson.

I put my head down again and closed my eyes for a few seconds.


The bell rang and class was finally over, I tried to run out before Mrs. Whitlock could catch me.

"Adriana don't try escaping" She said while signaling me to come near her desk.

I sighed and walked to her desk.

"You have been sleeping a lot in class, is everything okay? Have you been getting enough rest? It's valentine's day you should cheer up!" She said genuinely worried, I was her favorite student she was my favorite teacher, she always worried for me.

"Yea I've just been thinking about stuff" It was the day me and Bill started dating, it was hard to remember Germany again, to remember Bill, my mom, Lana, everyone. I missed all of them.

"I better get to class now though!" I ran away before she could say anything in response to what I had said.

At lunch I sat down with my friends.

"So what plans do you guys have for today?" Valerie said as she raised her eyebrows and winked at Taylor.

"You already know I have plans you should be asking Adriana!" Taylor had a boyfriend and they were obviously getting freaky tonight.

"Oh you both know romance in my life isn't a thing" I said trying to change the topic.

"Oh please! I have never seen you trying to talk to a guy romantically, have you even had your first kiss?! You're no fun" Valerie said, she had always tried to encourage me to enjoy life and fuck guys, but I wasn't much into that.

"I have had my first kiss i've told you guys this!" They always teased me about this.

"Yeah when you were 14! Haven't kissed anyone since" I was sure everyone in the lunch room heard that, Taylor basically screamed it..

"Shut up you're being so loud" I whispered to Taylor hoping she would quiet down.

"What? I'm sorry I can't hear you, should I speak louder? Maybe a cute guy can finally come and save you and maybe fuck you!" Taylor yelled out, the whole room went silent.



I covered my face with my hands out of embarrassment EVERYONE was looking at me.

The lunch room went back to normal and everyone started talking again, that was awkward.

"Anyways, since you don't have any plans today i'm going to a concert tonight, bailey canceled on me, you wanna come with me?" Valerie said casually, but I knew deep down she was screaming of excitement. She loved this one band and she had been really excited to go to their concert, I couldn't let her go alone.

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